Earth Science Assignment

“Check out attachments and read instructions before you make Hand Shake. Otherwise, I can’t sign the agreement”



I hope this message finds you doing well.


The most IMPORTANT things for me:

1) Use very simple language, I’m an international student.

2) Follow ALL instructions carefully 100%.

3) Finish it on time.

4) Last but not least, Originality.



– Read carefully all attachments I attached and then go for it. Check all attachments for further understanding.


I will run the paper through Copyscape that homework market provides, and the result MUST be = ZERO.


Thanks in advance,

The Environmental Events Log: This is where you will write a brief description about a weekly environmental event. This can be a weather event, release of new research findings, environmental monitoring or measurement results, or other type of activity specifically related to course content and that occurred since January 1, 2016.

The description will be a short paragraph, about 5-7 sentences long, that (1) describes the event, (2) explains why it caught your attention, and (3) explains how it relates to course content (e.g., specific chapters in the textbook or lab manual) *I attached my chapters’ topics in a separate file. The log entry should provide reference information or a live link to a science-based reference source. The course site provides a list of possible reference sources as well as an example of a good log entry. The log is viewable only by the student creating it and the instructor. The instructor has posted an example log entry as well as a list of resources for use in completing this assignment.

Each week’s **** folder will contain a log entry location where students should post their log entry. Each weekly entry is worth 5 points. Entries without appropriate reference sources will be penalized 1 point. Entries not containing each of the three content areas described above will be penalized one point per missing content area.

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