Env Proj Outline

Running head: ECOTOPIA OUTLINE 1

Ecotopia Research Paper Outline


Ecotopia Research Paper Outline

One of the benefits of presiding over a temperate grasslands ecotopia is the

abundance of wind and solar energy at our disposal. As Secretary of Sustainable energy,

I plan to take full advantage of the landscape to provide energy through the use of

windmills and solar panels. To promote the use of solar energy, tax credits will be

available to lessen the burden on the consumer. Where applicable, areas of the grasslands

will be zoned for the use of windmill farms. Research on windmills and their ability to

efficiently provide energy must be a top priority.

As secretary of Sustainable Transportation, my goal will be to research modes of

transportation that do not degrade our ecosystem and leave the least possible ecological

footprint on not just our charge, but the world over. With this in mind, there will be a

focus on promoting the use of eco-friendly vehicles, as well as strictly enforced standards

applied to those that must use our thoroughfares with less eco-friendly choices like

tractor-trailers. Adequate space will be given along roadways for those that opt for some

of the eco-friendliest modes of transportation like bicycles, walking, and fun new choices

such as the ELF electric vehicle (Holmes, 2016). On top of these, methods of mass

transportation such as electric railways will be looked at, but with an eye towards

sustainability in terms of energy-usage and the impact of the rails on the local

environment. Railways and roads do much to disturb natural habitats and I want to look

into ways that this can be lessened.

Sustainable transportation should result in cleaner air, and as Clean Air Czar I’ll

try to find ideas to limit emissions from automobiles as well as any industries. Since


grasslands can be subject to wind erosion which in turn can kick up dust particles and

severely impact the air quality, I’ll look at ways to preserve the topsoil such as limiting

the cutting of prairie grasses as much as possible without impacting farming too

negatively. Because the root systems of grasses help to keep topsoil intact, where there

are properties, large lawns will be encouraged but property owners will be made aware of

how to maintain a green, sustainable lawn with such techniques like using less store-

bought fertilizers and mowing with reel mowers or smaller push mowers (Leendertz,

2011). It may even be a good idea to outlaw riding mowers and leaf blowers.

With soil erosion comes a degradation of natural mineral deposits, especially

where water runoff is concerned. There won’t be as many mineral ores as in other

biomes, but that which is here in the temperate grasslands must be carefully administered

over so as not to cause depletions that can have a cascading effect on the entire ecosystem.

Where mineral deposits are found, strict limitations will be placed on any potential

mining of those minerals since doing so will also result in a disturbance of the natural

landscape on a scale that will most likely greatly affect sustainability, particularly if coal

deposits are found.

In terms of lakes, rivers, and their surrounding wetlands, the policy will be to

avoid encroachment as much as possible. Since the presence of water attracts a richly

diverse range of plant and animal life it is worth implementing regulations to limit

degradation by humans. This will result in zoning laws to prevent any waterfront

property. Boating will be encouraged, but restrictions will be in place to make sure that

boat traffic doesn’t impede too much on the ecosystem or that it doesn’t lead to pollution.

Sewage will always be an issue and it will not do to have waste running off into the lakes


and waterways. Proper eco-friendly sewer treatment will be a major issue that I will


I welcome any other ideas and feedback that can help me cover all bases. I want

to be flexible to all ideas and make sure that whatever policies I put into place will not

prevent the implementation of ideas of other policy makers.



Holmes, A. (2016). Four Creative Eco-Friendly Transportation Options. Earth911.

Retrieved from https://earth911.com/living-well-being/travel-living/eco-friendly-


Leendertz, L. (2011). Gardens: Eco-Friendly Lawns. The Guardian. Retrieved from


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