environmental health unit vii paper

Introduces the major topic areas of environmental health. Examines sources, routes, media, and public health outcomes associated with biological, chemical, and physical agents in the environment and how these agents affect human disease, water and air quality, food safety, and land resources in the community. This course also explores the genetic, physiological, and psychosocial factors that influence environmentally compromised public health outcomes. Students use theories and methods presented in the course to assess current solutions and consider new solutions to environmental threats and public health hazards.

COurse description

Unit VII Research Paper

This course project provides you with the opportunity to choose one special environmental health topic of interest to you (that was covered in this class) to study at a deeper level for further understanding and application. This paper is to be a minimum of five pages but not more than seven pages, (double spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins) and in APA format. This APA style research paper must critically analyze the issues related to the selected topic using the textbook, reputable environmental health web resources, and professional peer-reviewed articles. There should be a minimum of ten references used as support in this paper (four of which must be peer-reviewed journal articles). Please be sure to cite all references using APA format to avoid plagiarism. Please contact the Student Success Center for complementary assistance with APA formatting and writing tutoring.

Information about accessing the Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

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