Environmental Risk Management And Community Response To Environmental Controversy

Week 5 Discussions and Required Resources

Two-part assignment: All parts must be at least 200 words unless otherwise noted. Please read all attachments and follow ALL instructions.

Part 1: Environmental Risk Management 

Explain the relevance of precedents in environmental law and judicial interpretations for businesses when formulating risk management policies, and why risk management is important to business in the context of environmental law.

Part 2: Community Response to Environmental Controversy 

Using the Internet or a newspaper, locate an article about a controversial environmental issue in your community. Create a critical response from a legal perspective to that issue in the form of a letter on behalf of the community (In other words, pretend like you are a spokesperson for the community and you are responding critically to the environmental controversy). You should direct your letter to the party that you perceive is the cause of this controversy (e.g., business or government.) In your letter, identify opportunities for the business community to get involved in improving the environment as it relates to the controversy. Remember to briefly describe the issue that you are critiquing. (Note that this issue should be a different issue than you use for your Week Five SWOT analysis.)

Required Resources


Read the following chapters in your text, Environmental Law:

· Chapter 2: History, Standing, Local Government Regulation, Risk Management, and Workplace Safety

Text: Schroeder, K.L. (2008). Environmental Law. Retrieved from https://www.vitalsource.com/


Mind Tools. SWOT Analysis . Retrieved from http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMC_05.htm. This site supports the SWOT Analysis assignment this week.

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