Environmental Science

Please answer in separate attachments.

1..In the Unit III Lesson, we presented the problems that Amy is facing in her current workstation. Amy, who works as a cashier in a big-box store, works 8-hour shifts but is often asked to work overtime for up to 4 hours. Amy is now experiencing knee, hip, and lower back pain after working.

You have been asked to assemble a team to address the ergonomics issues Amy is facing and to explain a possible solution. Your assignment should meet the following criteria:

  1. Identify      and explain the different roles within the team (you may use bullets for      this section).
  2. Explain      how the ergonomics team can work together to help Amy with her current      workstation. Include a possible suggestion to improve Amy’s workstation as      part of your discussion.
  3. Explain      why it is important for the ergonomics team to implement a plan that considers      potential discrimination or disability issues for other employees.

This assignment should be at least two pages in length. Outside sources are not a requirement for this assignment. You are expected to complete this assignment based upon your reading, experience, and opinions.

2… Course Project Part 1: Ergonomics Hazard Assessment

In Units IV, VII, and VIII, you will be building a course project that will assess ergonomic risks and provide strategies to improve a workstation of your choice. Your final project will be a PowerPoint presentation due in Unit VIII. During Unit IV, you will focus on the ergonomics-related hazard assessment.

Select a workstation that you are familiar with (preferably one that you work with regularly or have worked with previously). Perform an ergonomics hazard assessment on that workstation. What are the potential stressors of that workstation? What are the potential ergonomic risks and hazards? What type of injury could they cause? Explain each hazard in detail.

Your ergonomics hazard assessment should be a minimum of two pages in length. As part of your hazard assessment, you will include a minimum of two outside sources to support your findings. One source must be from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) website, which can be accessed by clicking the following link: https://www.osha.gov/

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