Environmental Science
Assignment List Week 5 PowerPoint Outline
Week 5 PowerPoint Outline
DUE: Aug 9, 2020 11:55 PM
Grade Details
Grade N/A
Gradebook Comments None
Assignment Details
Open Date Jul 6, 2020 12:05 AM
Graded? Yes
Points Possible 100.0
Resubmissions Allowed? No
Assignment Instructions
Instructions: Please follow these instructions to complete this assignment:
1. carefully read the instructions for the Week 7 assignment, PowerPoint Presentation;
2. determine your topic and begin research on it;
3. form an outline (example below);
4. include a references section with at least 5 references; and,
5. ask any related question by sending me a message.
Grading Rubric:
Submitted detailed outline using format provided in example – 20 points
Limited/focused topic – 15 points
2 well-defined solutions provided – 15 points
Each solution thoroughly explained – 5 points
4 costs and 4 benefits provided for each solution – 15 points
Each cost/benefit explained – 5 points
Recommendation given, using costs/benefits to argue for the better solution – 15 points
At least 5 references provided – 10 points
Submission Instructions:
1. copy the outline you created in MS Word by highlighting it and pressing “Ctrl C”; NOTE – You may complete the outline directly in the Rich Text Editor.
2. in the Rich Text Editor below, press the “Paste from Word” button on the top row;
3. press “Ctrl V” to paste your work; and,
4. if ready for grading, choose submit at the bottom of the page, or choose one of the other options if you’re not ready to have it graded.
Outline Template:
I. Title and name
A. Introduction
1. State environmental problem and give background
a. Background details
b. Background details
c. Continue as needed . . .
2. Environmental problem
a. Environmental problem details
b. Environmental problem details
c. Continue as needed . . .
B. Solutions to problem
1. Solution 1
a. Explain
b. Explain
c. Continue as needed . . .
2. Solution 2
a. Explain
b. Explain
c. Continue as needed . . .
C. Costs & Benefits
1. Costs of Solution 1
a. State and explain
b. State and explain
c. State and explain
d. State and explain
e. More if needed . . .
2. Benefits of Solution 1
a. State and explain
b. State and explain
c. State and explain
d. State and explain
e. More if needed . . .
3. Costs of Solution 2
a. State and explain
b. State and explain
c. State and explain
d. State and explain
e. More if needed . . .
4. Benefits of Solution 2
a. State and explain
b. State and explain
c. State and explain
d. State and explain
e. More if needed . . .
D. Recommendations
1. State better solution (can be a combination of the solutions)
2. Explain using costs/benefits gathered
3. Explain using costs/benefits gathered
4. Explain using costs/benefits gathered
5. More if needed . . .
E. References (at least 5)
1. APA format
2. APA format
3. APA format
4. APA format
5. APA format
6. More if needed . . .
DUE DATE: 09 AUG 2020