Environmental Science Nuclear Power Plant

Grading criteria


Answers include an elevated level of factual detail.

Ideas and key concepts are defined and included in the answer.

Key definitions are explained.

Answers discuss how the question pertains to the class topic and textbook (when appropriate).

Answers utilize textbook tables/figures and appropriate resources.

Specific examples are included (when requested or appropriate).

All group members appear to have contributed and the answer is an appropriate length for the questions (long questions should have longer answers; answers are not simplified or shortened).


Turkey Point: More Questions Than Answers?


The Turkey Point nuclear power station was built in 1972 by Florida Power & Light Corporation on the shore of Biscayne Bay about 25 miles south of Downtown Miami. It is the largest electrical power generating station in Florida and the sixth largest in the United States. FPL has applied to the State of Florida’s Public Service Commission and to the Federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission to build two additional reactors on this site.
After reading your textbook’s section on how electricity is generated by nuclear fission, read the following articles for backgrounding prior to participating in this Forum.

1. Explain how energy is generated from nuclear fission.

2. Watch the two videos explaining the pros and cons of nuclear energy. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVbLlnmxIbY) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEYbgyL5n1g)

As a group answer discussion points below:

Explain reasons why we should ban nuclear energy as an energy source:

· What would replace the source of nuclear energy and what are the limitations/ barrier to making this other energy source a reality? Or, what are the problems with using more of other energy sources?

· Explain reasons why we should continue to use nuclear energy as an energy source: What government regulations need to be in place to continue to use nuclear energy? Who should pay for the hazardous waste? What should we do with the hazardous waste? How is technology involved in the decision to use nuclear energy?

Read the articles: FPL pollutes and loots at Turkey Point: https://eyeonmiami.blogspot.com/search/label/Turkey%20Point


1. Who should be responsible for cleaning up hazardous waste pollution? Why are we concerned about drinking water contamination?

2. What does your group think about storing waste in the Boulder Zone? Why are environmental groups opposed to this solution?

3. Besides nuclear energy, what are the other source of FPL’s energy? Approximately what percent of each source is used to generate power?

Additional resources:



http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/environment/article151642422.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_Power_%26_Light

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