Envr Discussion Board :Superfund Sites


This environmental disaster, caused by the improper disposal of hazardous waste, led to the passage of CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act), also known as the Superfund Act. Numerous men, women and children have developed abnormalities or cancer from living on or near the contaminated site. A housewife, Lois Gibbs, discovered the issue and rallied her neighbors to demand action be taken to remove the hazardous materials. There was also a movie made about this event – you can find it on netflix – Lois Gibbs, Love Canal.


After watching the youtube video, what is your inital response? Concerns? Comments? Do you think we are taking enough preventative actions to minimize environmental risks associated with hazardous chemicals? What could be done to improve our current practices? Would you live within the Love Canal neighborhood? Even if the disaster has been remediated? Why or why not

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