Essay, Assignment Questions

Week 1-communication assignment/Instructions

For this quiz, you will verify that you completed the exercise below by clicking the “preview” button at the bottom of this screen and checking “yes” to indicate you completed the work.

Prior to beginning work on this exercise, complete the Course Training: Exercises and Integrating Sources quiz. As mentioned in that training, each week students will be required to do an exercise where they explore a theme from the class by observing others or reflecting on some course idea. Students will compile FOUR exercises for their final project – a Communication Notebook. In weeks 1, 2, and 4, students will be required to complete step 1 of each exercise in their Communication Notebook and complete the check-in quiz.

In week 5, you must complete the fourth exercise and complete step 2 for all four exercises. Step 2 will involve connecting your findings to key themes from this class. In most weeks, you will have options to choose from. However, in this week, you will be required to address channels of communication.

Here are the instructions for completing this week’s exercise:

Speak to two people in two different ways – 1) via phone or video chat and 2) through email, messenger, or phone texting. You will ask them the same set of questions and discuss the same topic – their birthday or vacation plans. You will ask them the following questions:

1. What are you doing for your birthday or next vacation?

2. What did you do last year?

3. What do you want as a gift or what do you want to do while on vacation?

After your interaction, answer the following questions in the Week 1 Step 1 section of your Communication Notebook.

1. How much time did each exchange take (roughly)?

2. How well were the questions answered via phone or video chat?

3. How well were the questions answered via email, messenger, or phone texting?

4. How close did you feel to the person in the phone or video chat exchange?

5. How close did you feel to the person in email, messenger, or phone texting exchange?

6. Which interaction was most satisfying and why?





Communication Notebook

This is the form you will use to record all of your weekly exercise notes. In weeks 1, 2, 4 and 5 you will update this document with the new exercise you complete. You only have to answer three questions, through week 4. Then, in week 5, you will be required to complete questions two for each week’s exercise. You will be required to use Bevan, one course reading from the required or recommended list, and TWO course videos. See the resources box for the week 5 paper instructions for a list of videos, but you can use any from class. They should all be listed in a reference list at the end of this document and they should all comply with APA style guidelines.

Week 1: Channels of Communication

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Only this part is due at the end of week 1


a) How much time did each exchange take (roughly)? (1 to 2 sentences)



b) How well were the questions answered via phone or video chat? (1 to 2 sentences)




c) How well were the questions answered via email, messenger, or phone texting? (1 to 2 sentences)




d) How close did you feel to the person in the phone or video chat exchange? (1 to 2 sentences)




e) How close did you feel to the person in email, messenger, or phone texting exchange? (1 to 2 sentences)




f) Which interaction was most satisfying and why? (1 to 2 sentences)



Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.


Week 2: Please list your exercise: ___________________________



Option 3: Stereotypes

As we have learned in Bevan, we use perceptual schemas to make sense of the world around us. These are central to communication, as they involve perception (taking in information into our minds through observing verbal and nonverbal cues), classification (putting information into categorical boxes in our minds), and then assigning meaning to those classifications, which are typically positive or negative.  In this option, you will explore a broad category of schemas called “stereotypes.”  To complete the task, do the following, using and citing Bevan as much as possible:

· Define stereotypes, utilizing Bevan.

· Explain how stereotypes are useful tools we use to make sense of the world and make choices.

· Identify three common stereotypes and write a sentence that draws on them.

· Explore why each stereotypical sentence can be destructive.

· List some steps we can take to mitigate the negative impacts of stereotypes





Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 2


Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.















Week 4:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 4



Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.
























Week 5:

Please list your exercise: ___________________________

Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Due week 5


Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Due week 5.

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