
scatter plots, etc. If you have properly completed your SAS project, you will upload the following three items:

1. The DOCX file with the original assignment and rubric (all fields completed).

2. The XLSX file you downloaded with the addition of the tab with the scatterplots on it and the Regression Output tab for the regression of Price with the three independent variables.

3. A PDF file you produce from SAS that shows the output of your final regression (with a higher R2 than we had with the original model).


Name Height Salary
Alison 66 60
Robert 68 65
Sven 73 52
James 69 53
Maggie 61 52
Jonathon 70 115
Wendy 62 90
Marvin 64 82
Blanche 61 101
Michelle 66 79
Alex 72 88
Perez 69 51


Name Age Salary
Alison 28 60
Robert 34 65
Sven 51 52
James 31 53
Maggie 24 52
Jonathon 57 115
Wendy 49 90
Marvin 64 82
Blanche 61 101
Michelle 32 79
Alex 34 88
Perez 29 51


Name YOE Salary
Alison 6 60
Robert 10 65
Sven 5 52
James 3 53
Maggie 1 52
Jonathon 32 115
Wendy 24 90
Marvin 31 82
Blanche 36 101
Michelle 12 79
Alex 34 88
Perez 2 51


Name Height Age YOE Salary
Alison 66 28 6 60
Robert 68 34 10 65
Sven 73 51 5 52
James 69 31 3 53
Maggie 61 24 1 52
Jonathon 70 57 32 115
Wendy 62 49 24 90
Marvin 64 64 31 82
Blanche 61 61 36 101
Michelle 66 32 12 79
Alex 72 34 34 88
Perez 69 29 2 51
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