Excel Assignment


Shelly Cashman Excel 2019 | Module 5: SAM Project 1a
Media Hub
Author: Brittany Thomas
Note: Do not edit this sheet. If your name does not appear in cell B6, please download a new copy of the file from the SAM website.

United States

Media Hub Audio Books Date:
United States Price per book: $ 8.95
Downloads: January – April Download Projections
Book Type January February March April Total May
Adventure 2,193 2,282 2,130 2,215 8,820 Increase downloads to 14,000 in December
Literary 989 1,036 798 803 3,626 11,432 14,000
Mystery 2,405 2,788 2,239 3,011 10,443 Increase downloads by 3% per month
Romance 2,397 2,655 3,244 2,769 11,065 11,432
Science fantasy 1,873 1,869 1,904 1,874 7,520
Self-help 1,027 1,095 1,124 1,006 4,252
Total 10,884 11,725 11,439 11,678 45,726
Sales: January – April
Book Type January February March April Total
Adventure 19,627.35 20,423.90 19,063.50 19,824.25 78,939.00
Literary 8,851.55 9,272.20 7,142.10 7,186.85 32,452.70
Mystery 21,524.75 24,952.60 20,039.05 26,948.45 93,464.85
Romance 21,453.15 23,762.25 29,033.80 24,782.55 99,031.75
Science fiction 16,763.35 16,727.55 17,040.80 16,772.30 67,304.00
Self-help 9,191.65 9,800.25 10,059.80 9,003.70 38,055.40
Total $ 97,411.80 $ 104,938.75 $ 102,379.05 $ 104,518.10 $ 409,247.70


Media Hub Audio Books Date:
Canada Price per book: $ 9.95
Downloads: January – April Download Projections
Book Type January February March April Total May
Adventure 968 1,082 1,120 1,015 4,185 Increase downloads to 10,000 in December
Literary 689 836 708 640 2,873 5,972 10,000
Mystery 1,205 1,288 1,339 1,411 5,243 Increase downloads by 3% per month
Romance 1,097 1,055 1,144 1,469 4,765 5,972
Science fantasy 773 879 904 1,074 3,630
Self-help 707 795 824 866 3,192
Total 5,439 5,935 6,039 6,475 23,888
Sales: January – April
Book Type January February March April Total
Adventure 9,631.60 10,765.90 11,144.00 10,099.25 41,640.75
Literary 6,855.55 8,318.20 7,044.60 6,368.00 28,586.35
Mystery 11,989.75 12,815.60 13,323.05 14,039.45 52,167.85
Romance 10,915.15 10,497.25 11,382.80 14,616.55 47,411.75
Science fiction 7,691.35 8,746.05 8,994.80 10,686.30 36,118.50
Self-help 7,034.65 7,910.25 8,198.80 8,616.70 31,760.40
Total $ 54,118.05 $ 59,053.25 $ 60,088.05 $ 64,426.25 $ 237,685.60


Media Hub Audio Books Date:
Australia Price per book: $ 10.95
Downloads: January – April Download Projections
Book Type January February March April Total May
Adventure 652 705 759 812 2,928 Increase downloads to 5500 in December
Literary 189 227 265 303 984 3,742 5,500
Mystery 805 928 1,052 1,175 3,960 Increase downloads by 3% per month
Romance 497 610 652 736 2,495 3,742
Science fantasy 712 799 886 973 3,370
Self-help 227 281 335 389 1,232
Total 3,082 3,551 3,948 4,388 14,969
Sales: January – April
Book Type January February March April Total
Adventure 7,139.40 7,723.40 8,307.40 8,891.40 32,061.60
Literary 2,069.55 2,485.65 2,901.75 3,317.85 10,774.80
Mystery 8,814.75 10,165.25 11,515.75 12,866.25 43,362.00
Romance 5,442.15 6,679.50 7,139.40 8,059.20 27,320.25
Science fiction 7,796.40 8,749.05 9,701.70 10,654.35 36,901.50
Self-help 2,485.65 3,076.95 3,668.25 4,259.55 13,490.40
Total $ 33,747.90 $ 38,879.80 $ 43,234.25 $ 48,048.60 $ 163,910.55

All Locations

Media Hub Audio Books
All Locations
Downloads: January – April
Book Type January February March April Total
Adventure – 0
Literary – 0
Mystery – 0
Romance – 0
Science fantasy – 0
Self-help – 0
Total – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0
Sales: January – April
Book Type January February March April Total
Adventure $ – 0
Literary $ – 0
Mystery $ – 0
Romance $ – 0
Science fiction $ – 0
Self-help $ – 0
Total $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0 $ – 0
Total sales last year (Jan-Apr)
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