explain and use terminology relevant to mis in health care

Topic 1 – MIS in Florida MIS Radiology

1.One of the leaders of Florida MIS Radiology finds health MIS terminology confusing and needs clarifications. She understands that an information system consists of five components, but it is unclear to her how these components interact or what each of these components does. She recently read an article discussing the use of information systems in airline reservations (as the one discussed in our textbook), and she would like to draw parallels. Thus, for each of the five components, explain how health information systems are similar to and differ from an airline reservation system. Give examples of similarities and differences for each component. Justify your answers and cite your sources. The minimum word count of the answer is 300, excluding references. Your answer must be presented in an essay form; not as a list of bullet points.


Topic 2 – Business Processes in Florida MIS Radiology

Discuss business process modeling in health care ï‚·

.Provide examples of how information systems can improve process quality in health care .

To understand Florida MIS Radiology’s business processes, you interviewed one of the administrative specialists regarding a typical work day in the office. Below are your notes:

“In most cases, the department receives examination orders from affiliated hospitals. The examination orders include patient information, demographics, date, and a description of the examination required. The patient calls to make an appointment. Once the appointment is scheduled, an administrative staff member sends the patient pre-registration forms to fill out before the appointment. When the patient arrives for the appointment, he/she completes the registration forms. An administrative staff member verifies insurance information, patient identification, and examination orders. A folder containing all patient information collected is created for the specific patient and is stored in the records area of the practice. A nurse takes the patient in the examination area, where vital signs are collected. The nurse verifies the examination orders and moves the patient to the appropriate diagnostic area, where a technologist performs the test. For more advanced tests, like MRI with contrast, the radiologist injects the patient with the appropriate agent before the exam. After completion of the exam, the images are printed and sent to the radiologits.for evaluation. The patient is released. The radiologist evaluates the images and creates his/her report. An administrative staff member stores the images and report in the patient’s folder and sends copies to the ordering clinician in the affiliated hospital.”

For this topic:

1. Create a process diagram in swim lane format that depicts the process described in the interview. Make sure to include all actors, activities, sub processes, data repositories, decisions and data/control flows required. You may create the graph using a software of your choosing (e.g. Word, Visio, draw.io, etc.) or sketch it. and Attach

2. Provide 3 examples of how information systems can facilitate or improve quality of the process described.

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