final essay 23

Question: How has immigration impacted post-war Caribbean identity?

Your paper should accomplish the following:

  • It should possess an original thesis, a.k.a., an argument that is your own.
  • It should use select quotes from the novels – not long block quotes, but selective quotes that reinforce, rather than replace, your argument
  • It should draw from the textbook and other class materials to help you fill in the context, i.e., how do the novels compare to the real-life historical circumstances?
  • It should have a conclusion that offers some thoughts about how the authors chose to depict history and historical events.

Each paper should also possess:

  • Should be at least 1500 words (please write the word count at the end of your essay)
  • There should be parenthetical citations – i.e., (Glissant, 87) or (Games, 223) – when you quote material from your sources
  • Should be double-spaced
  • Should have page numbers
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