final paper 164

Outline to base off of is attached. You helped me produc the outline so the final should be familiar territory.

The final draft of the analysis should be 5 – 8 pages of substantive analysis. You should fully develop your discussion of each chosen subtopic, providing details and examples. Your analysis should be supported by incorporating information from the course text, required supplemental readings (if applicable), PLE content and at least two outside scholarly journal articles. Remember to follow the formatting guidelines. Your final draft should include: • A properly formatted Title Page and header. The Title Page does NOT count towards the required 5 – 8 pages. • 5 – 8 pages of substantive content. Strive for strong analysis – DO NOT just summarize or describe the chosen relationship. Remember to integrate your two scholarly journal articles in a substantive way; it is not enough to quote or integrate each source only once, or to use a source when the text and/or PLE already provides the information you are citing. • A properly formatted Reference Page, which includes entries for ALL utilized sources (your two scholarly journal articles, the text, the PLE, and any other utilized sources).

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