Final Paper For Policy Class

Issue with Office not having a process when making an arrest on parent or caregiver for minor children


____ “Understanding the Issue” Model Analysis:

____ Define the issues:

____ Historical context

____ Ideological context (conservative, liberal, libertarian)

____ Cultural context

____ Decide who is affected and how:

____ Statistics

____ Prevalence

____ Consequences of the issue (intended and unintended)

____ Decide what the main causes are

____ Generate possible solutions

____ Micro (client)

____ Mezzo (community)

____ Macro (policy)

____ Review proposed solutions to determine their impact on social justice

____ Advocate for change; make a persuasive argument for why your solution is a good idea



____ Discuss personal advocacy goals and reflect strengths/areas for growth as a leader and advocate in terms of leadership and communication




Academic Level:  Masters

Document Type:  Essay

Subject Type:  Sociology

Pages:  4

Line Spacing:  Double (Standard)

Font Face:  Times New Roman

Citation/Style:  APA


Reference:  5


This assignment demonstrates the students’ understanding of those forces and policies that shape human service organizations, and the impact of those forces, policies and agency structure on the ability to effectively serve and advocate for clients at the micro, mezzo and macro levels. Using the Work Sheet below Model (Chapter 4) do an analysis of the issue in a narrative format. SEE LETTER FOR THIS ISSUE at the end. This section should contain research, connection to legislation (as applicable depending on change issue you are analyzing), citations and statistical data, as appropriate. Hoefer’s five-step analysis mode contains these areas:

Use the following format to organize your paper:

1.      Define the issues ( Historical Context, Ideological Context, and Cultural Context) * Must talk about all 3

2.      Decide who Is affected and how they are affected by the issue (show statistics, prevalence and consequences of the issues, intended or unintended)

3.      Decide what the main causes of the issue are

4.      Generate possible solutions to the issue (For Micro-Client, Mezzo-Community, Macro-Policy) * Must talk about all 3

5.      Review proposed solutions to determine their impact on social justice (Advocate for change; make persuasive arguments for why your solution is a food idea)


·         Discuss personal advocacy goals and reflect strengths/areas for growth as a leader and advocate in terms of leadership and communication

o   Engagement/Getting involved:

§  Reach out to police stations, find a team of supporters, and finding a funding source.

§  Be willing to expend time, energy, support etc

o   Assessment/Understanding the issue

§  Children of inmates are a hidden population

§  Children are twice as likely to have substance abuse, incarceration etc.

§  Children are being penalized for something they didn’t do

§  Children are usually have no support.

o   Planning (How will you make change)

§  Reduce risk factors associated with population of children of inmates

§  Increase self-esteem with population of children of inmates

§  Help children of inmate become successful

§  Train officers to be better aware of situations

§   Gather information and find incentives

o   Implementation/Advocating

§  Implement better procedures when an officer is notified he has made an arrest to an individual who is a caregiver/parent for a minor child.

§  Find volunteer and create support groups for the children of inmates

§   Obtain as much data as possible to show and track improvement children of inmates are making with the program.

o   Evaluation (expected changes in the client)

§  We can collect data from current inmates and get outcome of people who didn’t get the “complete/proper services” from the beginning to the ones who are getting completed services

o   Termination

§  Termination will be made 6 months after incarcerated parent is release or when the child ages out of the program at the age of 18.

o   Follow up/Ongoing monitoring

§  Check back to ensure they continue to function properly

§  Look for ways to improve the reunification process

§  Advocate for possible jobs/opportunities when the inmate is release.

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