Final Research Paper Friends


Tentative Course Expectations (specific due dates are listed in the course module)

Week Date Activity Task

1 May 6,2019 Discussion Select an recent attack and discuss it with the group. Cite the news article and use only legitimate news sources. Find two additional academic sources for your attack. This attack must be within the last six months.

2 May 13,2019 Research paper update discussion

During this week you are to start working on an individual research paper. This will be approximately 14 pages, single spaced. and at least 15 references. No more than 18% can come up as plagiarized. Provide an update to your paper and share it with students in the course. Be sure to have at least two responses to other students that are constructive and aid them going forward. Your responses are to be at least two paragraphs long and four sentences per paragraph. Update can include information about methodology, new literature discovered, or even questions regarding current progress. Topic selection is Cyber Security in Industry 4.0: The Pitfalls of Having Hyperconnected Systems can be found at f. APA citation is the following. Dawson, M. (2018). Cyber Security in Industry 4.0: The Pitfalls of Having Hyperconnected Systems. Journal of Strategic Management Studies, 10(1), 19-28. Additional research topics may be provided. Final paper submission is to an academic journal.

3 May 20,2019 Discussion Setup a Virtual Machine (VM) using Oracle VirtualBox and use Kali Linux as the Operating System (OS). See Once you have Kali up and running running spend approximately two hours exploring this environment. Once complete post two paragraphs about your experience.

4 May 27,2019

Research paper update discussion

Provide an update to your paper and share it with students in the course. Be sure to have at least two responses to other students that are constructive and aid them going forward. Your responses are to be at least two paragraphs long and four sentences per paragraph. Update can include information about methodology, new literature discovered, or even questions regarding current progress.

5 June 3,2019 Discussion Completed Learn the Command Line at and post your completion certificate or end of course statement. This can be done in the form of screenshot or print .pdf of completion screen. Write a paragraph about what you have learned.

6 June 10, 2019

Research paper update discussion

Provide an update to your paper and share it with students in the course. Be sure to have at least two responses to other students that are constructive and aid them going forward. Your responses are to be at least two paragraphs long and four sentences per paragraph. Update can include information about methodology, new literature discovered, or even questions regarding current progress.

7 June 17, 2019

During residency you will be broken up into groups and submit a research paper to a peer reviewed journal. These submissions will be cite the following item found at . The APA citation is the following. Hyper-connectivity: Intricacies of national and international cyber securities by Dawson, Maurice, Ph.D., London Metropolitan University (United Kingdom), 2017, 530; 10800987

8 June 24, 2019


This week you will watch Setting Up Damn Vulnerable Web Applications (DVWA) Environment at . Download the image at vulnerable-web-application-dvwa-107,43/ . Complete at least two scenarios and provide PowerPoint presentations with screenshots of what you did in discussion forum.

9 July 1,2019

Research paper update discussion

Provide an update to your paper and share it with students in the course. Be sure to have at least two responses to other students that are constructive and aid them going forward. Your responses are to be at least two paragraphs long and four sentences per paragraph. Update can include information about methodology, new literature discovered, or even questions regarding current progress.

10 July 8,2019 Discussion This week you are to look at datasets that relate to threat information whether physical or technological. Once these datasets are found then you are to analyze using an analtyics tools such as RapidMiner, R Studio, or Python. Create a presentation regarding your findings. Also attach your datasets.

11 July 15,2019

Research paper update discussion

Provide an update to your paper and share it with students in the course. Be sure to have at least two responses to other students that are constructive and aid them going forward. Your responses are to be at least two paragraphs long and four sentences per paragraph. Update can include information about methodology, new literature discovered, or even questions regarding current progress.

12 July 22,2019 Discussion Reading: Find an article of your choice that relates to emerging threats such in environments such as 5G or Artificial Intelligence (AI) and discuss it in forum. Must be peer reviewed article published within the last 5 years and located on Google Scholar. Use university library databases to assist.

13 July 29,2019

Research paper update discussion

Provide an update to your paper and share it with students in the course. Be sure to have at least two responses to other students that are constructive and aid them going forward. Your responses are to be at least two paragraphs long and four sentences per paragraph. Update can include information about methodology, new literature discovered, or even questions regarding current progress.

14 August5, 2019 Discussion Reading: Find an article of your choice and discuss it in forum. Must be peer reviewed article published within the last 5 years and located on Google Scholar. Use university library databases to assist.

15 August 12, 2019

Discussion, Final research paper

Live Chat (Not Required) and discussion chat

16 August 19, 2019

Research paper update discussion

Path forward to get submission(s) into academic journal. *SHORT WEEK* ALL ASSIGNMENTS MUST BE COMPLETED BY WEDNESDAY AT 5 PM EST.


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