Freedom Of Speech

PHIL002 Individuals in Society Midterm Paper

Student Name: ____________________________________ Letter Grade: ______

Extension Granted? Y / N Points Earned: ______/35

Days Late: ____ (x3 = –_____pts)




an “A”paper: ☐ is turned in on time (Monday 10/8 by 6pm; -1pt after 6pm, -2pts after 9pm) ☐ is correctly formatted (6-7 pages, double spaced, 12pt font, 1in margins) ☐ has clearly been revised and corrected for spelling and grammar errors ☐ has an intro that:

☐ identifies the issue to be taken up in the paper and/or states the essay question prompt

☐ presents a clear and concise thesis statement that responds to the essay question prompt

☐ introduces and defines key terms, ideas, or distinctions ☐ establishes the boundaries of the project and/or provides a clear description of the main argument

☐ has a body that: ☐ engages adequately and charitably with multiple sources from the course materials

☐ presents an original argument with identifiable premises that back up the thesis

☐ provides ample support for each premise ☐ utilizes original examples that add to the depth of the considerations ☐ anticipates and responds to possible objections

☐ has a conclusion that: ☐ does not present any new arguments ☐ concisely summarizes the main points presented in the paper



a “B”paper: ☐ is correctly formatted (6-7 pages, double spaced, 12pt font, 1in margins) ☐ contains some spelling and grammar errors ☐ has an intro that:

☐ identifies the issue to be taken up in the paper and/or states the essay question prompt

☐ presents a clear and concise thesis statement that responds to the essay question prompt

☐ does not adequately introduce or define key terms, ideas, or distinctions ☐ only hints at the boundaries of the project and/or provides a minimal description of the main argument

☐ has a body that: ☐ engages adequately and charitably with one or more sources from the course materials

☐ presents an original argument with identifiable premises that back up the thesis

☐ provides some support for each premise ☐ utilizes few examples that add to the depth of the considerations ☐ only minimally considers possible objections

☐ has a conclusion that: ☐ does not present any new arguments ☐ concisely summarizes the main points presented in the paper



Notes: _________________________________________________________________________









A “C” Paper: ☐ is incorrectly formatted (does not meet the page count and/or the formatting requirements)

☐ does not seem to have been revised and corrected for spelling and grammar errors — i.e. contains many spelling and grammar errors

☐ has an intro that: ☐ identifies the issue to be taken up in the paper and/or states the essay question prompt

☐ presents a thesis statement that responds to the essay question prompt ☐ fails to introduce and define key terms, ideas, or distinctions ☐ fails to establish the boundaries of the project and/or provide a clear description of the main argument

☐ has a body that: ☐ does not engage with course materials to an adequate degree ☐ presents an original argument with identifiable premises that back up the thesis

☐ is lacking in support for the premises ☐ utilizes original examples that add to the depth of the considerations ☐ does not consider possible objections

☐ has a conclusion that: ☐ does not present any new arguments ☐ minimally addresses the points presented in the paper



A “D” Paper: ☐ is incorrectly formatted (does not meet the page count and/or the formatting requirements)

☐ does not seem to have been revised and corrected for spelling and grammar errors — i.e. contains many spelling and grammar errors

☐ lacks an intro; or has an intro that: ☐ identifies the issue to be taken up in the paper and/or states the essay question prompt

☐ fails to present a thesis statement ☐ fails to introduce and define key terms, ideas, or distinctions ☐ fails to establish the boundaries of the project and/or provide a clear description of the main argument

☐ has a body that: ☐ does not engage at all with course materials ☐ presents an original argument with identifiable premises that back up the thesis

☐ does not provide support for the premises ☐ does not present relevant examples ☐ does not consider possible objections

☐ lacks a conclusion; or has a conclusion that: ☐ presents new arguments ☐ does not review the main points presented in the paper



An “F” Paper: ☐ is incomplete (makes less than half of the page count) ☐ does not address any of the given essay prompts ☐ contains plagiarized content

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