glinka russlan

Describing Glinka’s “Russlan And Ludmilla Overture”

Describing Glinka’s “Russlan And Ludmilla Overture”
see below for YouTube link

Similar to the Jackson 5 writing assignment, please watch the video of Glinka’s Russlan Andj Ludmilla Overture using the provided link and write a 300–400 word musical description of the piece using the Introduction to the Materials of Music in your textbook as a guide. Below are several questions that I would like you to answer briefly. Of course, you can expand upon these questions as needed and, while I don’t expect you to know all of the answers, I do expect you to make educated guesses and, most importantly, write in your own words.

Please write in full sentences and write more creatively than just providing simple answers. Begin the essay with an introductory sentence or paragraph and finish with a concluding sentence or paragraph.

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