Health and Wellness

For further development of your knowledge base, you will choose a complimentary or an alternative healthcare practice to research. You will report on your findings in the Discussion Group section of the course. This should be an overview and limited to 350.Please cite your sources – Note: Include the reliable professional resource(s) which you used for your research – e.g. Wikipedia does not meet the criteria of a professional resource.In your research include:The history of the modalityThe education and licensing requirements of its practitionersThe basis of the healing traditionTreatment modesHas your alternative therapy been investigated and/or approved by any government or regulatory agency?Are there any federal, provincial, territorial, or local laws that regulate practice of the therapy?Is it used in conjunction or as a substitute for current medical treatment? Explain.Identify any trends of use in Canada or other countries particular to this therapyIs this therapy a controversial treatment? If so, why?Why should or shouldn’t this therapy be used? What are its limitations and benefits?Remember to post a response to at least two class member’s postings.Compare observations re: modes of CAM medicine and comment*****For this week’s posting each student will need to choose one Complementary Alternative Medication therapy and post it for your classmates to view. Please include your references as to where you have gotten your information. Remember each student is to choose a topic for this exercise, if there is something that is not listed here that you want us to know about please share as well.****Topics:  Massage, Accupuncture, Meditation, Yoga, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Aromatherapy, Tai Chi, Reflexology, Chiropractic, Herbal Therapies, Hypnotherapy, Osteopathy, Spiritual healing, Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine, Electromagnetic Therapy, Reiki, Qigong, Biofeedback, Native American/Canadian Healing practices, Cupping/Blood Letting.

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