Health as a Human Right

Health as a Human Right

(Health as a Human Right)

Health as a human right underscores the intrinsic value of well-being and access to healthcare for every individual, irrespective of socio-economic status, race, or geographic location. Rooted in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the World Health Organization’s constitution, and various international agreements, this concept recognizes health as a fundamental aspect of a dignified life. It embraces the idea that everyone has the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.

Essential to this right is the principle of equity, demanding that health services and resources be distributed fairly. Governments bear the responsibility to create policies that ensure universal access to affordable and quality healthcare. Recognizing health as a human right also emphasizes preventive measures, addressing social determinants of health, and tackling disparities that affect vulnerable populations.

The realization of health as a human right necessitates international collaboration, domestic policy changes, and public health initiatives. Advocates argue that empowering individuals with the means to maintain their health not only fulfills a basic human entitlement but also contributes to social stability, economic development, and global well-being. In essence, health as a human right signifies a collective commitment to creating a world where everyone can lead a healthy life with dignity and without discrimination.

Article 25 of the 1948 UDHR and the Constitution of WHO are examples of positive expressions of health as a human right.

Using South University Online Library or the Internet, search for  “health as a human right, a perspective from the WHO,” put forth in the  UDHR. Conduct a research on this topic. Your research should include key  features of the decisions, investigations, and laws you analyzed during  the research.

Your research should also include answers to the following questions:

  • Analyze the purpose of Article 25 of the 1948 UDHR and the Constitution of the WHO.
  • In your opinion, do these two positive laws contradict the no-duty principle in the United States? Why or why not?
  • The term “the right to make informed health care decisions” is an  important health care right of patients that have the right to make  informed decisions about the direction of their care, including refusing  treatment. Give your views on this statement and support your answer  using relevant references.
  • Compare and contrast the terms “the right to make informed health care decisions” and “the right to health.”
  • In your opinion on life or death situations, do you think individuals should be allowed to refuse treatment? Why or why not?

After answering the above questions, read the following statement:

The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)  protects the rights of the poor and uninsured by stating that a hospital  cannot refuse emergency treatment because of the patient’s inability to  pay (patient dumping). Based on this statement, answer the following  questions:

  • Explain and analyze two key duties of hospitals under EMTALA.
  • What do you think would happen if a hospital administrator directed  an ambulance to take a patient to another hospital because the  individual is uninsured?
  • Explain what impact this act might have on private hospitals. How  does this act impact other publicly funded programs in the state?
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