Unit 1 Discussion

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Morality, Ethics, and the Law

Please review the Discussion Board grading rubric in the Course Resources. This is important information that will ensure that you earn maximum points. Your postings should be qualitative and provide substantive depth that advances the discussion. Your initial response to the prompt should be a minimum of 150 words, and a minimum of two responses to others should be posted on separate days of the week with a minimum of 75 words in length. Assertions should be supported with scholarly evidence from our classroom resources and additional research, including the appropriate use of in-text citations and a corresponding reference list.

This Discussion will serve as practice for the Unit 2 assignment.

Please complete the Unit 1 reading to prepare for this discussion.

What is the difference among morality, ethics, and the law? Provide an original example of each. Describe an instance whereby a decision may be ethical, but not moral. Why is it important for a healthcare leader to understand the differences among these?



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Barbara Denner

2 hours ago

Unit 2 Discussion

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Ontological Arrogance v. Ontological Humility

This Discussion will serve as practice for the Unit 2 assignment.

Please complete the Unit 2 reading to prepare for this discussion.

What do you see in this image? Provide only one perspective. Explain how you arrived at your conclusion. Do not read other posts until you share your initial reply. Once you have posted your initial reply, respond to at least two others who share different perspectives. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with their response.

image of stick figures for discussion

Source: Kofman, F. (2013). Conscious business: How to build value through values. Boulder, CO: Sounds True.



Unit 3 Discussion

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Patient Privacy and Confidentiality

This Discussion will serve as practice for the Unit 4 assignment.

Please complete the Unit 3 reading to prepare for this discussion.

Breaking News. Healthcare records hacked

BREAKING NEWS: Cybercriminals ransacked your hospital database breaching the data of roughly 100,000 patients. The attack has prevented organizational access to patient files, medical images, and details of patient visits. Accessed files contain personal information including names, addresses, Social Security information, dates of birth, contact information, diagnoses, treatments, medications, and other medical information.

Discuss the moral, ethical, and legal implications of paying a ransom to the cybercriminal responsible for this attack.



Unit 4 Discussion

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Assess national regulations regarding confidentiality. What are the ethical considerations in the establishment of these laws?



Unit 5 Discussion

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Laws and Regulations

This Discussion will serve as practice for the Unit 6 assignment.

Please complete the Unit 5 reading to prepare for this discussion.

Sale on all body parts (sign)

THIS JUST IN! The United States Department of Health and Human Services and the Federal Trade Commission just announced its joint efforts to organize and develop an international human organ inventory system that permits the sale and purchase of human organs!

Discuss the moral, ethical, and legal implications of legalizing human organ trade. Reference any federal laws applicable to this scenario.



Unit 6 Discussion

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Ethical Dimensions

This Discussion will serve as practice for the Unit 6 assignment.

Please complete the Unit 6 reading to prepare for this discussion.

Pick one of the following and reply accordingly.

· Discuss whether moral convictions regarding the provision of healthcare should be considered a right, a privilege, entitlement, or an act of charity.

· Discuss whether parents should be permitted to administer pubertal blockers to their children until the children are able to self-identify.

· Discuss the potential moral, ethical, and legal ramifications of refusing emergency care to an illegal alien who does not have the ability to pay for services.

· Discuss whether it is legal to have a strategic plan that would essentially cause a competitor to go out of business.

· Discuss the potential moral, ethical, and legal ramifications of a nursing home admissions representative accepting a holiday gift from an attending physician who works at the referring hospital.



Unit 7 Discussion

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Chronic Care and Disability

This Discussion will serve as practice for the Unit 9 assignment.

Please complete the Unit 7 reading to prepare for this discussion.

Newspaper article about a congressional hearing that is scheduled to discuss cryonics

HOT OFF THE PRESS: Congress is scheduled to hold a hearing regarding the legalization of cryonics. Medical professionals and ethicists have been asked to comment and provide their opinions and expertise in an effort to adhere to applicable federal laws.

Discuss whether individuals should have the right to undergo cryonics. Discuss the moral, ethical, and legal implications of legalizing cryonics for chronically ill patients. Reference any federal laws applicable to this scenario.



Unit 8 Discussion

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This Discussion will serve as practice for the Unit 9 assignment.

Please complete the Unit 8 reading to prepare for this discussion.

email message to request an urgent meeting

YOU’VE GOT MAIL: You just received the following email. As the administrator of this facility, you are responsible to address this concern. Did Dr. Spillman do the right thing? Discuss the moral, ethical, and legal ramifications of Dr. Spillman’s conduct. Reference any federal laws applicable to this scenario.



Unit 9 Discussion

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Allocating Limited Medical Interventions

This Discussion will serve as practice for the Unit 9 assignment.

Please complete the Unit 9 reading to prepare for this discussion.

snapshot of text messages between 2 people discussing the approval of medical stipend vouchers

INCOMING TEXT: The value of health is subjective. Some claim that the value of health is relative to other goods and services, such as food or shelter. Others claim that healthcare cannot be compared to other amenities. Ensuring the fair and equitable distribution of healthcare is challenging, especially since healthcare is a finite resource.

Discuss the implications of providing a “lifetime voucher” that distributes a one-time savings amount to all citizens of the United States. This healthcare resource distribution system allocates the same amount of money to all citizens, allowing them the autonomy to use this money however they choose over a lifetime. Discuss the moral, ethical, and legal implications of using a “lifetime voucher” system. Discuss the implications of this arrangement from the perspective of distributive, compensatory, and social justice reasoning. What is an appropriate age for this “lifetime voucher” allocation to occur?



Unit 10 Discussion

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Think about your time in this course and the lessons learned.

1. What have been the most important pieces of information that you have learned in this course?

2. Has any information been shocking to you?

3. What will most stick with you after you leave this course?


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