health care professionals 3

Develop a PowerPoint presentation of 12-15 slides, complete with speaking notes, discussing the roles and responsibilities of health care professionals.




  • Slide 1: Title of the Presentation.
  • Slide 2: Brief explanation of the purpose of the presentation.
  • Slides 3–6: What Is a Health Care Professional and Why Do We Need Them?
    • Describe the need for health care management professionals.
    • Describe three clinical job roles that did not exist 50 years ago.
  • Slides 6–8: Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants.
    • Describe each role.
    • Discuss the differences and similarities between a nurse practitioner and a physician assistant.
  • Slides 9–10: Attending Physicians and Management of Care.
    • Describe the role of the attending physician in terms of his/her responsibility to manage the care of the patient.
  • Slides 11–12: Administrators and Clinicians.
    • Describe the two roles.
    • Explain how health care administrators interact with direct care professionals.
  • Slide 13–14: Conclusions.
Presentation Requirements

Your presentation should consist of:

  • A minimum of 12–15 bulleted slides.
  • Speaker notes that fully explain each slide.
  • A minimum of two peer-reviewed references.
  • Appropriate APA citations and peer-reviewed references on each slide, as necessary.
General Guidelines for PowerPoint
  • Keep the design simple. Font: Arial or Verdana, size 24-point, minimum.
  • Keep the slides concise: 5–7 bullet points per slide and 5–7 words per bullet. Use speaker notes to explicate the bullets.
  • For best color contrast, use light text on dark background (for example, yellow on black, white on dark blue).
  • Use the proper slide layout. For example, if a slide has a title and text, it is created using the correct Title and Text layout.
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