Hepatitis A, Morphology

Question description

Hepatitis A is the topic. paper is a APA format

The paper explains in detail the characteristics of the pathogen chosen with accuracy and relates well to concepts learned in the course.

1) morphology, cellular characteristics, and gram stain characteristics, virulence factors,

2) susceptibility to antibiotics,

3)host cells, nutritional needs, growth conditions,

4) how it evades the immune system and mode of invasion into the host(s),

5) interactions with the hosts and diseases caused and body systems that are affected.

6) symptoms when the pathogen infects a host,

7) diagnosis and therapeutic intervention needed.


(2 points per required topic = 14 pts)(6 points for equal participation by all students. Each student has an equal speaking part)Article related to pathogen(20 points)1)Article summary is accurate and includes supporting details and/or examples from lecture material. (5 pts)2)The bigger picture question “why does this matter?” has been addressed. (5 pts)3The article is included with the review. (4pts)(6 points for equal participation by all students. Each student has an equal speaking part)Grammar, spelling and Citation (APA format)(5 points) There are none or minimal errors in grammar or spelling. Sources were accurately cited in the reference page in APA format 4 pages long not including cover page and reference page.

The goals for this project are to

  • promote collaboration
  • understand real-life applications of Microbiology.
  • promote familiarity with audio/visual techniques.
  • enhance the ability to communicate verbally
  • Topics to be included in the presentation are- morphology, cellular characteristics, gram stain characteristics, virulence factors, susceptibility to antibiotics, host cells, nutritional needs, growth conditions, how it evades the immune system and mode of invasion into the host(s), interactions with the hosts and diseases caused and body systems that are affected. Additionally, explain symptoms when the pathogen infects a host, diagnosis and therapeutic intervention needed. You may also add information on statistics related to infection (epidemiology) and any new research findings related to the pathogen.
  • Working as a group, students will also pick a newspaper article or publication related to the pathogen of choice and include a brief summary of the newspaper article or publication to the presentation.


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