history of america

Below are the question to the attached article.

  • Identify the author’s central argument, or claim. Do you find the author convincing?
  • Create a five-paragraph essay in which you identify the author’s central argument in the first paragraph.
  • Use the bulk of your essay to unpack and explain the author’s position; identify the most significant ideas or assertions being made that support the central argument.
  • Close with a personal assessment of the article, indicating your level of agreement or disagreement with the central argument.
  • All of this should be written in third person, including your personal assessment of the article.
  • Your essay should draw upon three scholarly sources that provide context related to your analysis of the article. You must cite each of these sources in your essay using Modern Language Association (MLA) citation standards. To accomplish that:
    • You must cite each of the sources within your essay (in-text parenthetical citations as appropriate) according to MLA citation standards.
    • You must include a Works Cited page, listing the sources according to MLA citation standards.
    • You should also include a citation for the The Atlantic article being analyzed on the Works Cited page.
    • The Works Cited page should form the final page of your essay.
    • For information about following MLA citation and formatting guidelines, see MLA STYLE CITATIONS atESSAYS/ESSAY RESOURCES.
    • For information about choosing scholarly sources see SCHOLARY VERSUS POPULAR SOURCES, and LIBRARY RESEARCH DATABASES at ESSAYS/ESSAY RESOURCES.

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