homework help for Psychology Critical Thinking

The Stigma of Introversion

Thinking Critically About: The Stigma of Introversion

In Western cultures, the trait of introversion is often misunderstood, and there is an inappropriate stigma about introverts as a result.


1 Emily, though not especially shy, is an introvert. What’s the difference between shyness, introversion, and extraversion?

2 Do introverts or extraverts make better leaders?


Thinking Critically About: ADHD — Normal High Energy or Disordered Behavior?

Psychologists debate the definition of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Some think the current criteria for this diagnosis are too broad. Others perceive a lack of recognition for this disruptive condition.

1 Two school psychologists are debating whether to diagnosis rambunctious and inattentive 6-year-old Jonah with ADHD. Dr. Lewis argues that ADHD is overdiagnosed, and that Jonah should not be expected to sit still inside in a chair for so long. Dr. Hawkins argues that the disorder is real and that diagnosis with treatment would be helpful to Jonah. What is there to say about each of these points of view?

2 Olivia, age 9, has been diagnosed with ADHD. Her mother describes her as “full of energy” and “never sits still,” but Olivia doesn’t get regular exercise or play sports. Olivia is also distressed that she doesn’t do very well in school. What might a psychiatrist recommend for Olivia’s treatment?


Thinking Critically About: Therapeutic Lifestyle Change

Our lifestyle affects our mental health. And making positive lifestyle changes can greatly benefit us.

1 “Live more as did your ancient ancestors and you’ll be less depressed,” advises a therapist. Explain what the therapist means, and how that advice is supported by research presented here.

2 What do biomedical therapies such as lifestyle modification illustrate about the relationship of body and mind?

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