Household And Ambient Pollution Research Paper

APA Formant + Double Spaced

Times New Roman 13 font

6 sources

Works Cited APA Style page

8 pages


Household and Ambient air pollution


1. Introduction (2–3 paragraphs)

a. Statement of the problem

b. History of the problem

c. Thesis

2. Body Section1 (4-6 paragraphs)

a. Extent of the problem; how bad is it?

-What has happened?

-Why should we be concerned?

b. Who is affected and how are they affected?

i. Examples

ii. Stories

iii. Facts

3. Body Section Two (3–4 paragraphs)

a. Cause/Effect:

1. Because of this problem, this has happened

B. Responses of the Problem

1. If we don’t solve this, this will happen…

4. Body Section 3 (1–3 paragraphs)

Possible solutions

1. What will work

2. What will not work

3. Possble oppostions

5. Conclusion

1. Relate back to inteo

2. Restate thesis

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