how to do it 2

Agree to this post and tell us the reasons for agreeing

One reference

150 words each

Post 1: I currently work as a respiratory therapist in adult ICU and Neonatal ICU. There are many instances where I had observed nurses in clinical settings where the different provision of code of ethics is being implemented. One instance I remembered was when I was working in one community hospital one night and it was a very busy night in ICU. The ICU is about to get four new admissions from emergency department and OR for the shift. The shift was very busy and the charge nurse was trying to transfer some patients from ICU to the floors to make room in the the ICU to accommodate the incoming patients. There is one patient in particular that I remember, the patient is a Jane Doe, found at the back of the dumpster unconscious, she was intubated for 5 days already according to the doctor, the patient’s prognosis was not very good. I had witnessed a a discussion between the nurse and the charge nurse in which the charge nurse was asking the nurse to increase the morphine drip of the patient to make the patient very comfortable and maybe the patient can expire that night to accommodate some of the admissions. The nurse was very adamant and does not agree with the suggestion of the charge nurse of increasing the dose of the morphine drip of the patient. When the nurse taking care of the patient went on his break, the charge nurse decided that she will administer a bolus of morphine to the patient. I was at the patient’s bedside when the charge nurse was planning to give the bolus, I went to call the nurse taking care of the patient. The nurse went to the bedside and told the charge nurse not to touch his patient. Before the discussion got heated up, I went to call the nursing house supervisor to help intervene and I completed an event report. The nurse taking care of the patient was able to stop charge nurse on giving the bolus and the patient was kept safe for the remaining of the shift. The nursing code of ethics provision 3 states, “The nurse promotes, advocate for, and protects the rights , health, and safety of the patient” (American Nurse Association, 2015). As a nurse, we are responsible in protecting the patient health and safety by acting on questionable practices.

Post 2: During my clinical rotation this term, I observed my nurse uphold the Nursing Code of Ethics provision 3, which states, “The nurse promotes, advocates for, and protects the rights, health, and safety of the patient” (American Nurses Association, 2015). I was assigned to the ICU mid-shift due to student orientation. I was paired with a nurse taking care of a patient who went into cardiac arrest at a dialysis center, was unable to be intubated at the scene, and was bagged all the way to the emergency department from the scene. As I met with the nurse, she was preparing the medications due for the patient while waiting for the dialysis treatment to be done. As she scrolled through the patient’s MAR, she noticed that most of his medications are PO when the route should be NGT since the patient has an ET tube and an NG tube placed. One particular medication was a capsule, which can’t be crushed, so she called pharmacy to change the orders to liquid so she can administer the medication properly. She emphasized to me that when it comes to patients, you must provide safety and in this case, you must make sure you adhere to the rights of medication administration. A couple of hours later, I helped my nurse clean the patient. We performed oral care for the patient, cleaned the patient’s perineum and put a barrier cream to prevent skin breakdown, and changed the chuck pad. We also placed sequential compression devices on the patient’s lower legs. We placed pillows under his arms and legs to prevent pressure on his elbows and heels. We also made sure that no tubes or objects are under the patient or anywhere against the patient’s body where it can cause skin breakdown. Again, my nurse emphasized not only patient safety, but also comfort.

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