HR Competency Journal

ORG/535 v1

HR Competency Journal

ORG/535 v1

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Wk 1 – Apply: HR Competency Journal


Review Figure 1.3, Competencies and Behaviors for HR Professionals, in your textbook, and refer to the HR Competencies tutorial.

Throughout the week, identify 3 to 5 examples of the HR competencies-in-action by HR professionals or by others in your everyday life. Journal about each example below. In each entry, complete the following:

· Identify which of the 9 competencies you observed in action

· Describe who was doing what

· Explain how that behavior is an example of the identified competency.

Look for examples of any of the following competencies:

· Relationship management

· Consultation

· Organizational leadership and navigation

· Communications

· Global and cultural effectiveness

· Ethical practice

· Critical evaluation

· Business acumen


HR Competency Observed Behavior How the behavior demonstrates the competency



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