HTML Programming Exercise Assignment
HTML Programming Exercise Assignment
LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-03/responsivegallery/index.html
Blackstone Bistro Gallery
Not is our food good, it’s also good-looking! Our patrons often stop to admire our fare with a quick Instagram before digging in. We’ve collected a few of our favorite shots here.
Our Baked Goods
We start our day at the crack of dawn to bake our own muffins, bread, and dinner rolls. Loaves not used that day are donated to the local food shelter.
Our Burgers
People come from all over to enjoy our lovingly made burgers. We grind our own locally-sourced organic beef and turkey so you know it’s fresh and free from fillers and other nonsense. Go for one of our creative topping combos or stick with the classics.
Catch of the Day
Our chef works with local fisherman to pick the freshest the sea has to offer for our daily seafood special. Our Roast Cod Caponata with Roasted Potatoes is an old favorite with our regulars.
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-03/responsivegallery/images/._burgers-400.jpg
LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-03/responsivegallery/images/fish-800.jpg
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-03/responsivegallery/images/._fish-800.jpg
LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-03/responsivegallery/images/burgers-800.jpg
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-03/responsivegallery/images/._burgers-800.jpg
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-03/responsivegallery/images/._fish-400.jpg
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-03/responsivegallery/images/._bread-800.jpg
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-03/responsivegallery/._images
LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-03/responsivegallery/index copy.html
Blackstone Bistro Gallery
Not is our food good, it’s also good-looking! Our patrons often stop to admire our fare with a quick Instagram before digging in. We’ve collected a few of our favorite shots here.
Our Baked Goods
We start our day at the crack of dawn to bake our own muffins, bread, and dinner rolls. Loaves not used that day are donated to the local food shelter.
Our Burgers
People come from all over to enjoy our lovingly made burgers. We grind our own locally-sourced organic beef and turkey so you know it’s fresh and free from fillers and other nonsense. Go for one of our creative topping combos or stick with the classics.
Catch of the Day
Our chef works with local fisherman to pick the freshest the sea has to offer for our daily seafood special. Our Roast Cod Caponata with Roasted Potatoes is an old favorite with our regulars.
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/._Exercise 07-03
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LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-02/svg/blackgoosebistro.html
Black Goose Bistro
The Restaurant
The Black Goose Bistro offers casual lunch and dinner fare in a relaxed atmosphere. The menu changes regularly to highlight the freshest local ingredients.
You have fun. We’ll handle the cooking. Black Goose Catering can handle events from snacks for a meetup to elegant corporate fundraisers.
Location and Hours
Seekonk, Massachusetts; Monday through Thursday 11am to 9pm; Friday and Saturday, 11am to midnight
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-02/svg/._blackgoosebistro.html
LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-02/svg/blackgoose.png
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-02/._svg
LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-02/.DS_Store
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-02/._.DS_Store
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/._Exercise 07-02
LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-01/.DS_Store
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-01/._.DS_Store
LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-01/gallery/index.html
Black Goose Bistro Gallery
Not is our food good, it’s also good-looking! Our patrons often stop to admire our fare with a quick Instagram before digging in. We’ve collected a few of our favorite shots here.
Our Baked Goods
We start our day at the crack of dawn to bake our own muffins, bread, and dinner rolls. Loaves not used that day are donated to the local food shelter.
Our Burgers
People come from all over to enjoy our lovingly made burgers. We grind our own locally-sourced organic beef and turkey so you know it’s fresh and free from fillers and other nonsense. Go for one of our creative topping combos or stick with the classics.
Catch of the Day
Our chef works with local fisherman to pick the freshest the sea has to offer for our daily seafood special. Our Roast Cod Caponata with Roasted Potatoes is an old favorite with our regulars.
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-01/gallery/photos/._fish-800.jpg
LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-01/gallery/photos/burgers-800.jpg
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-01/gallery/photos/._burgers-800.jpg
LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-01/gallery/photos/fries-800.jpg
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-01/gallery/photos/._fries-800.jpg
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-01/gallery/photos/._bread-800.jpg
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-01/gallery/photos/._chicken-800.jpg
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-01/gallery/._photos
LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-01/gallery/burgers.html
Gallery: The Best Burgers
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-01/gallery/._burgers.html
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-01/gallery/thumbnails/._chicken-200.jpg
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-01/gallery/thumbnails/._burgers-200.jpg
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-01/gallery/thumbnails/._fries-200.jpg
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/Exercise 07-01/._gallery
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/._Exercise 07-01
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/svg/icons/._github-icon.svg
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/svg/._icons
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/svg/blackgoosebistro.html
Black Goose Bistro
The Restaurant
The Black Goose Bistro offers casual lunch and dinner fare in a relaxed atmosphere. The menu changes regularly to highlight the freshest local ingredients.
You have fun. We’ll handle the cooking. Black Goose Catering can handle events from snacks for a meetup to elegant corporate fundraisers.
Location and Hours
Seekonk, Massachusetts; Monday through Thursday 11am to 9pm; Friday and Saturday, 11am to midnight
Please visit our social media pages
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/svg/._blackgoosebistro.html
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/svg/blackgoose.png
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/svg/._blackgoose.png
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/._svg
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/responsivegallery/index.html
Blackstone Bistro Gallery
Not is our food good, it’s also good-looking! Our patrons often stop to admire our fare with a quick Instagram before digging in. We’ve collected a few of our favorite shots here.
Our Baked Goods
We start our day at the crack of dawn to bake our own muffins, bread, and dinner rolls. Loaves not used that day are donated to the local food shelter.
Our Burgers
People come from all over to enjoy our lovingly made burgers. We grind our own locally-sourced organic beef and turkey so you know it’s fresh and free from fillers and other nonsense. Go for one of our creative topping combos or stick with the classics.
Catch of the Day
Our chef works with local fisherman to pick the freshest the sea has to offer for our daily seafood special. Our Roast Cod Caponata with Roasted Potatoes is an old favorite with our regulars.
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/responsivegallery/._index.html
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/responsivegallery/images/._bread-1200.jpg
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/responsivegallery/images/._bread-400.jpg
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/responsivegallery/images/._.DS_Store
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/responsivegallery/images/._fish-1200.jpg
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/responsivegallery/images/._burgers-200.jpg
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/responsivegallery/images/._bread-300.jpg
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/responsivegallery/images/burgers-400.jpg
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/responsivegallery/images/._burgers-400.jpg
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/responsivegallery/images/._fish-800.jpg
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/responsivegallery/images/._burgers-800.jpg
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/responsivegallery/images/._fish-400.jpg
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/responsivegallery/images/fish-200.jpg
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/responsivegallery/images/._fish-200.jpg
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/responsivegallery/images/bread-800.jpg
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/responsivegallery/images/._bread-800.jpg
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/responsivegallery/images/burgers-1200.jpg
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/responsivegallery/images/._burgers-1200.jpg
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/responsivegallery/images/fish-300.jpg
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/responsivegallery/images/._fish-300.jpg
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/responsivegallery/._images
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/._responsivegallery
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/.DS_Store
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/._.DS_Store
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/index.html
Blackstone Bistro Gallery
Not is our food good, it’s also good-looking! Our patrons often stop to admire our fare with a quick Instagram before digging in. We’ve collected a few of our favorite shots here.
Our Baked Goods
We start our day at the crack of dawn to bake our own muffins, bread, and dinner rolls. Loaves not used that day are donated to the local food shelter.
Our Burgers
People come from all over to enjoy our lovingly made burgers. We grind our own locally-sourced organic beef and turkey so you know it’s fresh and free from fillers and other nonsense. Go for one of our creative topping combos or stick with the classics.
Catch of the Day
Our chef works with local fisherman to pick the freshest the sea has to offer for our daily seafood special. Our Roast Cod Caponata with Roasted Potatoes is an old favorite with our regulars.
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/._index.html
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/.DS_Store
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/._.DS_Store
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/._bread.html
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/fish.html
Gallery: Catch of the Day
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/._fish.html
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/photos/.DS_Store
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/photos/._.DS_Store
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/photos/tabouleh-800.jpg
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/photos/._tabouleh-800.jpg
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/photos/fish-800.jpg
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/photos/._fish-800.jpg
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/photos/burgers-800.jpg
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/photos/._burgers-800.jpg
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/photos/fries-800.jpg
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/photos/._fries-800.jpg
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/photos/._bread-800.jpg
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/photos/chicken-800.jpg
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/photos/._chicken-800.jpg
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/._photos
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/burgers.html
Gallery: The Best Burgers
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/._burgers.html
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/thumbnails/bread-200.jpg
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/thumbnails/._bread-200.jpg
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/thumbnails/.DS_Store
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/thumbnails/._.DS_Store
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__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/thumbnails/._chicken-200.jpg
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/thumbnails/burgers-200.jpg
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/thumbnails/._burgers-200.jpg
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/thumbnails/fries-200.jpg
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/thumbnails/._fries-200.jpg
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/thumbnails/tabouleh-200.jpg
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/thumbnails/._tabouleh-200.jpg
LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/thumbnails/fish-200.jpg
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/thumbnails/._fish-200.jpg
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/gallery/._thumbnails
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/finished exercises/._gallery
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch07/._finished exercises
LWD5e_materials/ch09/finished exercise/.DS_Store
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch09/finished exercise/._.DS_Store
LWD5e_materials/ch09/finished exercise/pizza_final.html
Blackstone Bistro | Pizza-on-Demand
Our 12″ wood-fired pizzas are avaiable for delivery. Build your custom pizza and we’ll deliver it within an hour.
Your Information
- Name:
- Address:
- Telephone Number:
- Email:
- Delivery instructions:
Design your dream pizza:
Pizza specs Crust (Choose one):
- Classic white
- Multigrain
- Cheese-stuffed crust
- Gluten-free
Toppings (Choose as many as you want)
- Red sauce
- White sauce
- Mozzarella Cheese
- Pepperoni
- Mushrooms
- Peppers
- Anchovies
NumberHow many pizzas: 1 2 3 4 5 6
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch09/finished exercise/._pizza_final.html
LWD5e_materials/ch09/finished exercise/pizza.php
empty’; } else { $toppings_problem = FALSE; $toppings = isset($_POST[‘toppings’]) ? implode(‘, ‘, $_POST[‘toppings’]) : ’empty’; } ?>
Thank you for ordering from Black Goose Bistro. We have received the following information about your order:
Your Information
- Name: empty’; ?>
- Address: empty’; ?>
- Telephone number: empty’; ?>
- Email Address: empty’; ?>
Delivery instructions: empty’; ?>
Your pizza
Sorry, we did not receive your information. Try again.
- Crust: empty’; ?>
- Toppings: *
- Number: empty’; ?>
This site is for educational purposes only. No pizzas will show up at your door.
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch09/finished exercise/._pizza.php
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch09/._finished exercise
Blackstone Bistro | Pizza-on-Demand
Our 12″ wood-fired pizzas are available for delivery. Build your custom pizza and we’ll deliver it within an hour.
Your Information
- Name:
- Address:
- Telephone Number:
- Email:
- Delivery instructions:
Design Your Dream Pizza:
Pizza specs
Crust (Choose one):
- Classic white
- Multigrain
- Cheese-stuffed crust
- Gluten-free
Toppings (Choose as many as you want):
- Red sauce
- White sauce
- Mozzarella Cheese
- Pepperoni
- Mushrooms
- Peppers
- Anchovies
How many pizzas:
Exercise 8-1
Album | Year |
Rubber Soul | 1965 |
Revolver | 1966 |
Sgt. Pepper’s | 1967 |
The White Album | 1968 |
Abbey Road | 1969 |
Exercise 8-2
7:00pm | 7:30pm | 8:00pm |
The Sunday Night Movie | ||
Perry Mason | Candid Camera | What’s My Line |
Bonanza | The Wackiest Ship in the Army |
Exercise 8-3
apples | oranges | pears |
bananas | pineapple | |
lychees |
Exercise 8-4
Your Content Here
A common header for two subheads | Header 3 | ||
Header 1 | Header 2 | ||
Thing A | data A1 | data A2 | data A3 |
Thing B | data B1 | data B2 | data B3 |
Thing C | data C1 | data C2 | data C3 |
LWD5e_materials/ch06/Exercise 6-1 to 6-7/.DS_Store
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch06/Exercise 6-1 to 6-7/._.DS_Store
LWD5e_materials/ch06/Exercise 6-1 to 6-7/jenskitchen/index.html
Welcome to Jen’s Kitchen
People who know me know that I love to cook. I’ve created this site to share some of my favorite recipes and online food resources. Bon Appetit!
About the site
From Jen’s Cookbook
- Tapenade (Olive Spread)
- Garlic Salmon
- Linguine with Clam Sauce
- Couscous with Peas and Mint
Good Food on the Web
- The Food Network
- Epicurious
Copyright 2018, Jennifer Robbins
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch06/Exercise 6-1 to 6-7/jenskitchen/._index.html
LWD5e_materials/ch06/Exercise 6-1 to 6-7/jenskitchen/.DS_Store
__MACOSX/LWD5e_materials/ch06/Exercise 6-1 to 6-7/jenskitchen/._.DS_Store
LWD5e_materials/ch06/Exercise 6-1 to 6-7/jenskitchen/about.html
About Jen’s Kitchen
The recipes listed here are ones that I have developed myself. In some cases, I started with a recipe found in a cookbook or magazine, but over time, I’ve adapted it enough to call it my own. Bon Appetit!
The site also includes links to my favorite online cooking resources. One day, I hope to include a section of restaurant reviews.
If you have recommendations, feel free to email me at
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LWD5e_materials/ch06/Exercise 6-1 to 6-7/jenskitchen/recipes/tapenade.html
Tapenade (Olive Spread)
This is a really simple dish to prepare and it’s always a big hit at parties. My father recommends:
“Make this the night before so that the flavors have time to blend. Just bring it up to room temperature before you serve it. In the winter, try serving it warm.”
- 1 8oz. jar sundried tomatoes
- 2 large garlic cloves
- 2/3 c. kalamata olives
- 1 t. capers
- Combine tomatoes and garlic in a food processor. Blend until as smooth as possible.
- Add capers and olives. Pulse the motor a few times until they are incorporated, but still retain some texture.
- Serve on thin toast rounds with goat cheese and fresh basil garnish (optional).
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LWD5e_materials/ch06/Exercise 6-1 to 6-7/jenskitchen/recipes/pasta/linguine.html
Linguine with Clam Sauce
I don’t know how authentic this recipe is, but it’s quick and delicious. You can make it lactose-free by substituting a dairy-free margarine (we like Earth’s Balance) for the butter. (Unfortunately, butter is better.) This recipe serves 2.
- 2 cans chopped clams (tuna-sized cans)
- 1/2 head of garlic, chopped fine
- 1 shallot, chopped fine
- 2-3 T. butter (or margarine)
- 1/2-3/4 c. dry white wine (like Sauvignon Blanc)
- 1/2 lb. linguine
- Get the water boiling for the linguine. Generously salt the water so the pasta has flavor of its own.
- Open the cans of clams and use the lid to squeeze out the liquid into a 2-cup measuring cup. Set the clams aside You usually get about 1 1/2 cups of liquid. Add wine to the liquid until you have a total of 2 cups liquid.
- In a high-sided, large skillet, saute the shallot in 2 T. butter until translucent. Add the garlic (the more the better) and saute until fragrant, but not brown (just under a minute).
- Add the clam juice and wine to the shallots and garlic. Turn the heat to medium high until the mixture boils. Continue boiling until the liquid has reduced by half.
- Turn down the heat and add the reserved clams. At roughly the same time, add the pasta to the water and cook until al dente. About 9 minutes later, the pasta should be done and the clams will be warmed through.
- Taste the clam sauce and add salt and pepper to taste. If you’re using butter, add one last tablespoon or two to bind the sauce (if you’re using margarine, don’t bother).
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LWD5e_materials/ch06/Exercise 6-1 to 6-7/jenskitchen/recipes/pasta/couscous.html
Couscous Salad with Peas and Mint
This is barely a “recipe” since I just threw it together and didn’t pay much attention to measurements. But it turned out to be pretty tasty, so I thought I’d share. It’s not the kind of thing where exact measurements are that crucial anyway, so use your best judgment and personal taste.
- 1 package couscous
- 1 can chicken broth (or water or veggie broth if you’re vegetarian)
- 1 to 1 1/2 cups fresh peas, shelled
- 3-4 scallions, sliced thin
- 1/4 cup toasted pine nuts
- about 1/2 cup fresh mint, chopped (it’s gotta be fresh, not dried)
- juice of 1 lemon
- approx. 1/4 cup olive oil (or to taste)
- 1 t. salt
- fresh ground pepper to taste
- Make whole box of couscous according to the directions, only use chicken broth instead of water. A typical can of broth will be just short of the amount of liquid it calls for on the box, so top it off with water. It will be done in 6 or 7 minutes. Allow to cool (putting it in the fridge speeds it up).
- Meanwhile, toss the shelled fresh peas into a pot of boiling water and cook them about 3 minutes, until bright green and tender, but not mushy. Test after 2 minutes to make sure they’re not overcooked. Rinse in cold water and allow to cool.
- Slice the scallions, chop the mint, toast the pinenuts, and prepare any other veggies you want to toss in there.
- Make the dressing in a small bowl by whisking together the juice of a lemon, the salt, pepper, and enough olive oil to properly balance the acidity of the lemon juice. It will take approximately 1/4 cup of olive oil, maybe a little more. Remember that this dressing has to flavor many cups of bland and absorbant couscous, so make sure you have enough and make sure the flavor is bold (don’t be afraid of the salt… it will get spread out).
- When the couscous is cool, toss in the peas, mint, veggies and coat with the dressing. It can be served right away or saved until the next day.
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LWD5e_materials/ch06/Exercise 6-1 to 6-7/jenskitchen/recipes/salmon.html
Garlic Salmon
This is one of my favorite recipes for when folks come over for dinner. I’ve already shared this popular recipe with many of my friends. The best thing is it’s so easy to make!
- 1/4 c. dry sherry
- 2 T. soy sauce
- 2 T. vegetable oil
- 2 t. dry mustard
- 3-4 T. freshly minced garlic
- 1 to 2 lbs salmon filets
- Mix together first 5 ingredients in a shallow dish. Place the cleaned and de-boned salmon filets face down in the mixture and allow to marinate for 1/2 to 1 hour. (Tip, I cut a large piece of salmon into the serving sizes before marinating so the marinade can coat the sides of each piece as well.)
- Preheat the broiler. Transfer filets to a baking sheet, skin-down. Broil the salmon on the top rack for 7 to 9 minutes, or until done to your liking (I like it still pink in the center).
- I usually serve this with an aromatic rice and a lightly seasoned stir fry.
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