human resource management on hewlett packard

Read 1 through 3 to answer the question below. Basically in this discussion you are asked to participate in electronic Web outreach by visiting the Hewlett-Packard Web site (

  1. Search this site for evidence that Hewlett-Packard views its work force as an asset and ally of the organization.
  2. You can do this by examining Hewlett-Packard’s human resources policies and practices. Useful links on the site include “company information” and “jobs at hp.” Under company information, be sure to look at “about us” and “corporate objectives.”
  3. Within jobs at hp, check out such links as “diversity,” “working at hp,” and “training and developmet.” You may also find other links on the site that give you a feel for the company’s human resource policies.

Now: Explain why you think each piece of evidence you found indicates that Hewlett-Packard values its workers.

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