humanities prehistory to 16th century 4

Answer the 12 questions, if you would like to use my e-textbook. Ask me for the login to my chegg account. Chapters 13 & 14.

  1. Dante designed his Inferno so that sinners were assigned progressively worse levels based upon their sins and punishment not for, but by, their sins. This concept is known as divine retribution. Explain his rationale for this design, citing specific examples of his sinners, their placements, and their punishments. If Dante were writing this work in our modern period, what example from popular culture might he use? Be sure to match the punishment with the crime.
  2. Compare and contrast depictions of David by the following artists: Donatello, Michelangelo, and Bernini (look this one up). Your discussion should identify the style of each and historical backgrounds that may have influences each work of art.
  3. Compare and contrast civic life in Siena and Florence
  4. Outline how an increasingly naturalistic art replaced the Byzantine style in Italy
  5. Describe the distinguishing characteristics of Dante’s Divine Comedy
  6. What was the Black Death and how did it impact the arts?
  7. Examine how sculpture and the use of scientific perspective were instrumental in the early development of the Italian Renaissance.
  8. Discuss the influence of the Medici family on Florentine art and the development of humanist thought.
  9. Describe how other Italian courts followed the lead of the humanist court in Florence.
  10. Explain the symbolic significance of Michelangelo’s David.
  11. What does the term “Renaissance” mean?
  12. What does “Humanism” mean?
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