ICD-!0-CM Coding

M131 Module 09 Coding Assignment Worksheet


For the following diagnoses, list the appropriate coding using your textbook or the Quantim Online Encoder.


1. Pregnancy, delivered, with premature labor, third trimester, single liveborn infant


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2. Pregnancy, delivered, 40 1/7 weeks, liveborn infant, vaginal delivery, normal


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3. Normal pregnancy, visit to OB clinic for prenatal supervision, 30 weeks gestation, first baby


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4. Spontaneous abortion, 12 weeks, incomplete, complicated by sepsis


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5. Pregnancy, twins, undelivered, 32 weeks (third trimester)


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6. Pregnancy, delivered, 35 weeks; single liveborn infant; postpartum fever of unknown origin; patient with known continuous marijuana drug dependence


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7. Elective abortion, 12 weeks; fetus diagnosed with anencephaly (reason for abortion)


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8. Ruptured ectopic tubal pregnancy


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9. Pelvic peritonitis following elective abortion completed 5 days ago; patient admitted today with high fever


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10. Gestational diabetes, undelivered, 30 weeks


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11. Primary atelectasis of newborn


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12. Neonatal tachycardia


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13. Anemia of prematurity


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14. Premature baby, 2000 gm. birth weight, 35 4/7 weeks of gestation, born in Hospital #1 and transferred to Hospital #2 (Code for hospital #2)


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15. Premature baby, 990 gm. birth weight, 29 5/7 weeks of gestation, born in Hospital #1 and transferred to Hospital #2 (Code for hospital #2)


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16. Newborn small for gestational age 1600 grams


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17. Erb’s palsy due to birth injury


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18. Failure to thrive in newborn


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19. Drug withdrawal in an infant born to a mother who is dependent on drugs


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20. Five-day-old infant, light-for-dates, 2200 gm. birth weight, 35 6/7 week gestational age at birth


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21. Microtia right ear


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22. Persistent truncus arteriosus


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23. Laryngeal hypoplasia


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24. Hypoplastic left heart syndrome


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25. Simple syndactyly of fingers right hand


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