
M131 Module 10 Coding Assignment Worksheet


For the following diagnoses, list the appropriate code using your textbook or the Quantim Online Encoder.


1. History of carcinoma of large intestine


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2. Patient on longterm anticoagulant therapy


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3. Status post aortocoronary bypass graft


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4. Examination following treatment of fracture


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5. Admission for chemotherapy


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6. Admission for removal of internal fixation device


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7. Observation for suspected mental condition not found


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8. Routine postpartum follow-up visit


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9. Encounter for pregnancy test, negative result


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10. Preoperative cardiovascular examination


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11. Coma due to barbiturate overdose; attempted suicide, initial encounter


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12. Two-year-old child ingested mother’s birth control pills by accident; no symptoms or illness in child initial encounter


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13. Ataxia due to prescription Valium consumed with alcohol initial encounter


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14. Generalized convulsions due to accidental Darvon overdose initial encounter


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15. Hypotension due to Methadone poisoning, undetermined cause initial encounter


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16. Premature atrial beats due to correctly prescribed and taken digitalis initial encounter


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17. Infant with a high fever after correct administration of diphtheria toxoid vaccine initial encounter


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18. Hematuria due to an accumulative effect of anticoagulant therapy initial encounter


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19. Blurred vision due to allergic reaction to antihistamine initial encounter


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20. Urinary tract infection due to the presence of an indwelling urinary catheter initial encounter


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