IDE501:Disease & Epidemiology

Topic of the assignment is Disease & EpidemiologyTurnit Score below 10%

This week you have been introduced to the specific mechanisms (example: A-B toxin) that elicit the symptoms of disease in a host. Pick three of these mechanisms and describe each in a research paper. Please follow the expectations that are listed below.

Assignment Expectations:

  • Length should be 1250–1500 words, not including Title and References pages (typed, 12-point font, double-spaced).
  • These subheadings are required (content expectation are also provided)
    • Introduction (list the three mechanisms that you have picked and provide a brief overview)
    • Mechanism 1: (Describe the cellular source of the mechanism.). Explain how this mechanism produces an effect inside the host. Provide an example pathogen that utilizes this mechanism.
    • Mechanism 2: (Describe the cellular source of the mechanism.). Explain how this mechanism produces an effect inside the host. Provide an example pathogen that utilizes this mechanism.
    • Mechanism 3 (Describe the cellular source of the mechanism.). Explain how this mechanism produces an effect inside the host. Provide an example pathogen that utilizes this mechanism.
    • Professional application: explain how understanding these mechanisms increases the effectiveness of a nurse.
  • Support your content with at least three (3) citations. Make sure to reference the citations using APA writing style for the presentation.
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