Industrial And Hazardous Waste Management 3

Running Head: Municipal Situation

Municipal Situation

Karen Crump

Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management


With a need to manage wastes safely and effectively, the need to assess the impacts of these wastes on human populations ought to be carried out. The relationships that exist between the industry and the industrial codes and waste classifications should be done. It has been found that 70% of the wastes especially hazardous are generated by the chemical industries using approximately 20% of the primary metal industry codes (Bahadori 2014).

In this regard, it is very important to understand the processes that give rise to these hazardous effluents before embarking on the treatment of such wastes. Environmental engineers ought to understand the aspects of wastes that are given in an operation. This implies that the fundamentals of the operations of the chemistry and physics that are involved in an operation should thoroughly e understood( Hickman 2003).

In essence, the processes of the majority of chemistry mostly involved in waste treatments mainly occur within the matrices of the effluents from the industry. In treatment process, it is very important that one classify the wastes that are attributed to recognizing and understanding the key attributes that are to be considered industrial wastes and hazardous wastes. In addition to this, one must recognize the difference between the hazardous wastes and solid wastes that are generated by the industry. Most importantly, the relevant laws and standards should be considered so that the managing of these wastes can be done legally and safely Bahadori 2014).



Bahadori, A. (2014). Waste management in the chemical and petroleum industries. West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley.

Hickman, H. L. (2003). American alchemy: The history of solid waste management in the United States.

Santa Barbara, CA: Forester Press.

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