informal editorial

Revise the informal editorial you created in Week 6, turning it into a formal, academic-style persuasive essay. You’ll begin that process this week by creating an outline for your final paper : Outline – argumentative.doc ( see attached)

Using the attached form, create a detailed sentence outline for your final paper. The topic of your essay should be the same issue you wrote about in Week 6. Submit your outline by attaching it as a Word document to this assignment by Monday, July 16.

Your outline should have the following:

  • A persuasive thesis statement that presents an opinion regarding the issue you’ve chosen as your topic. This must be a complete sentence.
  • Persuasive topic sentences that present supporting points, appealing to readers to agree with your thesis statement. These must also be complete sentences.
  • Sourced, specific facts (not thoughts or opinions of your own) that you plan to include in each section, and which are clearly relevant to the topic sentence of that section. List the source after each piece of evidence.
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