it need to be at least 300 words

  • It will be helpful for you to review Chapter 4 pages for this week’s discussion question.Something to consider: Think about the video here and this week’s reading.
    Our text tells us, “Self-regulation refers to the self’s capacity to alter its own responses. It is quite similar to the everyday term “self-control” (pg. 131). Self-regulation enables people to be flexible, to adapt themselves to many different circumstances, rules, and demands. It enables people to “live together and get along much better” (pg. 132).
    Baumeister points out that there are three important “components” to remember in order to successfully self-regulate: 1) standards, 2) monitoring, and 3) strength or capacity to change.

    Your discussion post:
    Based on this week’s reading, think of an example from your own life in which you have had success in meeting a goal. What methods did you use to achieve success? Did it involve willpower? Baumeister says that we can build willpower much like a muscle (136). Do you agree or disagree?
    Read the section in your text titled: “Habits, Self-Defeating Acts: Being Your Own Worst Enemy” and Delay of Gratification (Pages 138-141). Can you relate to any of these actions that you had to overcome in order meet your goals? If so, how did you handle these self-defeating behaviors?
    *Only share what you are comfortable sharing about your own behavior. This is not meant to be too personal.(It is not the idea here to share personal information, but rather to show understanding and validate each other’s experience). Discuss these questions in your initial post. *Remember to cite your resources with in your post, using the parenthetical citations within the post, and references at the end of your post. Then remember to respond to two of your classmates

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