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There are many tools to evaluate implicit biases, such as surveys and tests. The most popular is the Implicit Association Test, or IAT, which measures association between concepts and evaluations or stereotypes. This test, which was created by Anthony Greenwald and his colleagues, is an online test that is available to the public through Harvard University and has several adaptations, including a Gender-Career IAT, Disability IAT, Age IAT, and others. Although you are not required to complete the IAT for this assignment, feel free to explore the tests and their descriptions.

For this assignment, you will be completing a “Comfort in Social Situations” survey and reflecting on your results. The results of this survey may help identify any implicit biases you may have and how they may impact your communication in the criminal justice field.


For this journal assignment, visit the Breaking the Prejudice Habit website and click on “Comfort in Social Situations (College Student Version)” at the bottom of the page. Complete the worksheet. You do not need to share your results or hand in this worksheet; this is for your personal reflection only.

Once you receive your results, reflect on them. Were you surprised at the results, or were they what you had expected? What factors or experiences may have contributed to how you responded to the scenarios? Compare your results to your journal response from Module One. Do your results align with the personal factors from Loden’s Wheel that you identified in that journal assignment? Next, identify any implicit biases that you may have, based on your survey results, and any known explicit biases. Lastly, explain how your results, along with any implicit and explicit biases you may have, may impact your communication in the criminal justice field.

Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:

  1. Reflect on your “Comfort in Social Situations” survey results.
  2. Compare those results to the personal factors from Loden’s Wheel.
  3. Identify any implicit or explicit biases.
  4. Explain how the survey results and your biases may impact communication in the criminal justice field.

Guidelines for Submission

This assignment must be 200–350 words in length. Any references should be cited in APA format. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.

Note: For this journal assignment, you can receive a Proficient, Needs Improvement, or Not Evident score on each of your rubric criteria. There is no Exemplary score for this assignment.

Module Four Journal Rubric

Criteria Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (85%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Articulation of Response Clearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling Submission has critical errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling 10
Reflection on Survey Results Reflects on survey results using supporting details and examples Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions Does not attempt criterion 25
Comparison to Loden’s Wheel Personal Factors Compares survey results to Loden’s Wheel personal factors Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions Does not attempt criterion 20
Identification of Biases Identifies any implicit or explicit biases Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions Does not attempt criterion 20
Communication Explains how results may impact communication in the criminal justice field Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions Does not attempt criterion 25
Total: 100%
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