Lab Report 12 Hours
Drosophila Three-Point Test Cross Lab Write-Up Instructions (65 points)
Abstract (5 points)
In a short paragraph describe the experiment that was done as well as the major findings. Clarity is essential. The abstract is usually written last and is limited to 200 words.
Introduction (14 points)
Provide ALL background information a reader would need to understand the purpose, results and analysis of the experiment. Must include:
Methods (14 points)
This section should provide enough information so that the reader could carry out the experiment independently.
Results (14 points)
In this section, the data are shown in tables AND explained in coherent paragraphs.
Discussion (14 points)
The results are summarized in this section and the reasons WHY data were significantly different than expected are considered.
Overall Conclusions (4 points)
Keep this section short, one paragraph at the most. Do not repeat yourself over and over when writing this paragraph!
What do the data demonstrate?
Why is a statistical analysis important?
Summarize ways to improve the outcome of the three point testcross mapping experiment; describe “tricks” for evaluating phenotypes.
PLAGIARISM: Remember, you must use your own words, even if you work with others to discuss what the content of your paper will be. Do not use quotations; read material, figure out what it means, and then explain in your own words. If you do use material not found in the lab manual or the textbook, be sure to cite it. Instructions for citations are found in the oral presentation section of the Genetics Lab Manual. All papers must be .doc or .docx files, and will be submitted to your lab’s BeachBoard Dropbox and will be subject to plagiarism detection using Turnitin. A strict ZERO policy (on the entire write-up) will apply to all plagiarism that goes beyond a shared, common phrase. If two students’ papers are found to be highly similar, BOTH students will receive a ZERO. Do not give your word file to a friend to help them out at the last minute; they will likely take both of you down. Papers must be uploaded to the lab BeachBoard Dropbox BEFORE your lab starts on the designated due date. Please see for some examples of plagiarism.
To respond to question 1 of the Introduction, you will need to look up papers. Cite these as described in the group oral presentation instructions in the Genetics Lab Manual.
Writing Tips
Many students feel that if they write something in complicated language, they sound more intelligent. This results in awful sentences such as, “A significant frequency of DNA is made of gene.” “Genes are made of DNA.” makes a lot more sense! Also, the term “significant” is only used with an accompanying statistical test. See below for more helpful writing tips:
1) The phrasing, “, so…” is conversational English, and not appropriate for written English.
2) The word “very” has little meaning. Use a stronger adjective. Four letter V-WORD.
3) Use the passive voice, not “We define recombination frequency as…” Instead use: “Recombination frequency isdefined as…”
4) Separate different sections into paragraphs so the overall organization is clear to the reader.
5) If you want to use “it” or “they” in a sentence, be certain that the subject referred to is clear.
6) Omit needless words. Go through each sentence to reduce wordiness.
7)” it’s” = it is; “its” is the possessive.
8) Do not keep using the word “it” in your complex sentences. Re-word the sentence so the subject is clear.
9) Avoid meaningless sentences such as “Chromosomes areinteresting molecules that are found in Drosophila.” Think of a real point you want to make, and use meaningful language.
10) Avoid contractions; don’t use them! I cannot emphasize this enough; they’re too informal.
11) Semicolons separate two independent clauses; independent clauses can serve as their own sentence.
12) A colon separates one independent and one dependent clause: as in this sentence.
13) The possessive is rarely used in scientific writing and comes off as awkward and unprofessional. Do not write, “The gene’s location is not known.” Instead, write, “The location of the gene is not known.”