M5-211 Psychology homework help

For your initial post, review Reminiscing to Teach Others and Prepare for Death Is Associated With Meaning in Life Through Generative Behavior in Elderlies From Four Cultures and answer the following questions:

· How do an individual’s experiences in Bronfenbrenner’s macrosystem impact their views on or practices surrounding death?

· Choose two cultures to compare (not necessarily from the article) and describe their views on death. How do they differ? How are they similar?

· How does Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model apply to any of the following programmatic themes? You may want to review the Programmatic Themes document.

· Self-care

· Social justice

· Emotional intelligence

· Career connections

· Ethics

PSY 211 Module Five Milestone Template

You must address both Part One and Part Two of the template. Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information.


Part One: Theories at a Glance Table


After reviewing the example row, complete the following table to prepare you to complete Project Two.

· Insert Yes or No to identify the appropriate perspectives for each theorist.

· Identify the primary theoretical concept of each theorist.


Theorist Biological Perspective

Indicate with a Yes or No if present in the theory.

Psychological Perspective

Indicate with a Yes or No if present in the theory.

Social Perspective

Indicate with a Yes or No if present in the theory.

Primary Theoretical Concept or Theme
Sigmund Freud

(example row)

Yes Yes No Psychosexual development, conflicts, neuroses

Erik Erikson [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert text.]
Maria Montessori [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert text.]
Jean Piaget [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert text.]
Lev Vygotsky [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert text.]
Aaron Beck [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert text.]
John Watson [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert text.]
B. F. Skinner [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert text.]
Mary Ainsworth [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert text.]
Albert Bandura [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert text.]
Kurt Fischer [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert text.]
Urie Bronfenbrenner [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert Yes or No here.] [Insert text.]



Part Two: Short-Response Questions


· Identify a theorist, summarize their theory, and explain the aspects of that theory that relate to one of the three perspectives: biological, psychological, or social. Support your answer with a credible source.

[Insert text.]


· Select one theorist and explain how their theory applies to your own learning development and lived experience.

[Insert text.]



The readings in this module will explore the social cognitive influences on human development with a focus on different levels of interaction between the individual and others. You will develop a deeper understanding of the characteristics of developmental growth pertaining to stages of development. By the completion of this module, you will understand how our relationships with other individuals and with our culture and community impact development and behavior.

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Textbook: Life-Span Human Development, Chapters 2.5–2.6 and 17

As you read, consider the following:

Chapter 2.5–2.6

· What is Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model?

· Which perspective on life-span development would best address the issue of sexual risk behaviors among teens?

Chapter 17

· What is death?

· How does age affect how one deals with death and dying?

Reading: Reminiscing to Teach Others and Prepare for Death Is Associated With Meaning in Life Through Generative Behavior in Elderlies From Four Cultures opens in new window This Shapiro Library reference will be used in this module’s discussion. In this article, the authors highlight the importance of reminiscence in successful aging.

As you read, consider the following:

· What is generative behavior?

· How can the quality of one’s life be improved according to this article?

Video: Navigating a Relational System opens in new window (15:26) In this TEDx Talk, Christopher Habben describes systems theory as the basis for marriage and family. He suggests that we can only understand ourselves through relationships with others.

As you watch, consider the following:

· What does it mean to say that we are relational people?

· How do our thinking brain and our emotional brain often interact?

· What does it mean to think of our relationships with others as living systems?

A captioned version is available: Navigating a Relational System (CC) opens in new window

A video transcript is available: Transcript for Navigating a Relational System opens in new window

Video: Creating a Community and Finding Purpose opens in new window (13:32) In this TEDx Talk, Stephen Thompson discusses the importance of community and the role community plays in one’s development.

As you watch, consider the following:

· What experiences are common among children in foster care?

· What does the speaker say is essential to being successful?

A captioned version is available: Creating a Community and Finding Purpose (CC) opens in new window

A video transcript is available: Transcript for Creating a Community and Finding Purpose opens in new window

Video: The Benefits of Expressing Your Emotions (Constructively) opens in new window (15:31) In this TEDx Talk, Arturs Miksons discusses the need for everyone to constructively express their emotions, even if this means going against one’s cultural conventions.

As you watch, consider the following:

· What makes David cry?

· What primary emotion did the speaker feel when he learned that his father had died?

· Why is it important to express your emotions to another person?

A captioned version is available: The Benefits of Expressing Your Emotions (Constructively) (CC) opens in new window

A video transcript is available: Transcript for The Benefits of Expressing Your Emotions Constructively opens in new window

Video: Let’s Talk About Dying opens in new window (13:05) In this TEDx Talk, Peter Saul talks about how one cannot control dying, but can “occupy” death.

As you watch, consider the following:

· Why is how we die really important?

· What was the Respecting Patient Choices initiative, and how did people respond?

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Website: Famous Psychologists opens in new window This website is a searchable list of famous psychologists. You can look for any psychologist you like (keeping in mind that only the most significant psychologists are listed). For each psychologist, there is a brief biography, as well as summaries of their professional work and key theories and research.

For this module, we have selected Urie Bronfenbrenner and John Bowlby to highlight. For additional information on their contributions to theory and development, you are encouraged to use this resource to learn all about their lives in science.

Reading: Want to Know When You’re Going to Die? Your Life Span Is Written in Your DNA, and We’re Learning to Read the Code opens in new window This article summarizes research in epigenetics that suggests that DNA can provide good estimates for when a person might naturally die.

As you read, consider the following:

· How does the epigenetic clock work?

· What are some ethical issues with predicting someone’s death?

Video: Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory opens in new window (3:03) This video provides a brief summary of Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory and is a good resource to check your understanding of the basics of this theory.

As you watch, consider the following:

· What does Bronfenbrenner’s theory cite as being responsible for a child’s development?

A captioned version is available: Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory (CC) opens in new window

A video transcript is available: Transcript for Bronfenbrenners Ecological Systems Theory opens in new window

Video: John Bowlby: Attachment Theory Across Generations opens in new window (4:49) This video explains Bowlby’s attachment theory and how one’s relationships impact personality development across the life span. This is a good resource to check your understanding of the basics of this theory.

As you watch, consider the following:

· Why is it necessary to consider attachment across generations?

A captioned version is available: John Bowlby: Attachment Theory Across Generations (CC) opens in new window

A video transcript is available: Transcript for John Bowlby: Attachment Theory Across Generations opens in new window

Video: Psychotherapy—John Bowlby opens in new window (6:33) This video explains Bowlby’s attachment theory and how one’s relationships impact personality development across the life span. This is a good resource to check your understanding of the basics of this theory.

As you watch, consider the following:

· What is avoidant attachment?

A captioned version is available: Psychotherapy—John Bowlby (CC) opens in new window

A video transcript is available: Transcript for Psychotherapy John Bowlby opens in new window

Video: Margaret Mead: Exploring the Influence of Culture opens in new window (10:00) This video describes Mead’s study of South Pacific cultures and explains why she believed that understanding other cultures helps you understand your own.

As you watch, consider the following:

· What did Mead find regarding gender roles in certain South Pacific cultures?

· What criticisms were made of Mead’s study?

A captioned version is available: Margaret Mead: Exploring the Influence of Culture (CC) opens in new window

A video transcript is available: Transcript for Margaret Mead: Exploring the Influence of Culture opens in new window

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