Microsoft Worksheet homework help

Microsoft Worksheet homework help

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A Skills Approach: Access 2016 Chapter 2: Working with Tables

Challenge Yourself 2.3 In this project, you will continue working with the greenhouse database from Chapter 1, Challenge Yourself 1.3. You will add a new table to keep track of the fertilizers used in the greenhouse and the plants that use them. You will make changes to the Plants, Employees, and MaintenanceLog tables including adding fields, deleting fields, and modifying field properties. You will also create and modify table relationships. This project has been modified for use in SIMnet®

Skills needed to complete this project: • Creating a Table in Design View and Setting the Primary Key • Modifying the Field Size Property • Renaming Fields • Setting the Default Value Property • Adding Fields in Datasheet View • Adding a Lookup Field from Another Table • Deleting Fields in Datasheet View • Working with Attachment Fields • Adding a Lookup Field from a List • Inserting, Deleting, and Moving Fields in Design View • Using Quick Start to Add Related Fields • Changing Data Type • Formatting Fields • Creating Relationships • Enforcing Deletions and Updates in Relationships

IMPORTANT: Download the resource file needed for this project from the Resources link. Be sure to extract the file after downloading the resources zipped folder. Please visit SIMnet Instant Help for step-by- step instructions.

1. Open the start file AC2016-ChallengeYourself-2-3.

2. If necessary, enable active content by clicking the Enable Content button in the Message Bar.

3. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed to

do so by your instructor.

4. Create a new table in Design view using the following data.

Step 1 Download start file





e. Set the FertID field as the primary key.

f. Save the table with the name the table: Fertilizers

g. Close the table.

5. Open the Plants table and make the following changes. You may work in Datasheet view or Design view

as appropriate.

1 | Page Challenge Yourself 2.3 Last Updated 3/15/18

A Skills Approach: Access 2016 Chapter 2: Working with Tables

a. Set the field size for the PlantID field to: 10

b. Rename the FlowerColor field to: PrimaryColor

c. Set the Default Value property for the PrimaryColor field to white.

d. Add a lookup field named PreferredFertilizer to the end of the Plants table to reference

the FertilizerName field in the Fertilizers table. The lookup list should be sorted alphabetically by the

FertilizerName data. The primary key field should be hidden. Enforce referential integrity. Download Resources

e. Add an Attachment field after the PreferredFertilizer field. Add the image geranium.jpg to the record

for the spotted geranium.

f. Delete the MaxHeightFeet field.

g. Save and close the table.

6. Open the Employees table and make the following changes. You may work in Datasheet view or Design

view as appropriate.

a. Move the LastName field so it appears before the FirstName field. Hint: Make the change in Design

view so the change is applied to the underlying structure of the table.

b. Add the Phone Quick Start fields between the FirstName and Position fields.

c. Modify the Position field to use a lookup list with the following values: Supervisor,

Greenhouse Tech 1, and Greenhouse Tech 2. Hint: Use the Lookup Wizard to

create the lookup list and enter the values yourself. Double-click the right border of the Col1 column

in the wizard to AutoFit the column to the data.

d. Save and close the table.

7. Open the MaintenanceLog table and make the following changes:

a. Change the data type for the Watered field from Short Text to Yes/No.

b. Change the data type for the Inspected field from Short Text to Yes/No.

c. Change the data type for the Pruned field from Short Text to Yes/No.

d. Change the format for the MaintenanceDate field to Medium Date.

e. Save and close the table.

8. Review the table relationships and make the following changes.

a. Create a one-to-many relationship between the PlantID field in the Plants table and the PlantID

field in the MaintenanceLog table. Enforce referential integrity.

b. Modify the relationship between the EmployeeID field in the Employees table and the

EmployeeID field in the MaintenanceLog table so any deletions or changes to the EmployeeID in

the Employees table will be carried through to the EmployeeID field in the MaintenanceLog table.

c. Close the Relationships window, saving the layout changes.

2 | Page Challenge Yourself 2.3 Last Updated 3/15/18

Step 3 Grade my Project

Step 2 Upload & Save

A Skills Approach: Access 2016 Chapter 2: Working with Tables

3 | Page Challenge Yourself 2.3 Last Updated 3/15/18

9. Close the database and exit Access.

10. Upload and save the project file.

11. Submit project for grading.

  • Challenge Yourself 2.3
    • Skills needed to complete this project:
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