
Directions: You will write at least 500 words (about 50 words per model) outlining the various leaders of the gifted and talented movement and their different models. A short biography of the creator and the educational philosophy of the model must be included. You must cite at least 3 scholarly resources including your text as appropriate. Direct quotes should be held to a minimum and be sure to cite ideas in current APA format. Provide the reference where it says references for each of the models.

6. Model of Gifted Education: CLEAR

Creator: Carolyn Callahan and others

Short Bio of Creator-

Educational Philosophy of Model (what does it set out to do)-

Model Features and Distinctions –define and describe-

Strengths and Weaknesses- What types of gifted students would it support?

Feasibility (funding needed, possible funding streams, training, scheduling, what type of school could afford to use it) –explain reasoning (this segment may take more than 50 words)-

Character Development and Biblical Worldview Integration Possibilities-

Citation references- creditable websites/peer-reviewed journal articles (always include the text if the model is represented there- if not, find at least 3 others):

References for CLEAR (List all references under here) Be sure to in-text cite them as well

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