Navigating Client Perspectives

Navigating Client Perspectives: Interpretation & Support

(Navigating Client Perspectives)

Read Two Cases And Answer Questions Below .

Client C: I am nervous about meeting this woman tonight. I answered an ad in the personals because I really want to start dating, but I don’t know if this is such a good idea. I mean, what kind of people advertise in the personals? She might be a real wacko. I have pretty high standards for who I go out with, and I don’t want to waste time if we don’t get along. My past experiences have been pretty bad with dating. I go out and find someone I like, but then they never want to go out with me again (Hill, 2009).

Client D: I just got back from visiting my family for Thanksgiving, and once again, I felt inadequate. My older brother was there, and he talked the whole time about how wonderful he is doing in his new position in a law firm. He entertained the family over dinner with all the cases he is working on. I just felt like I couldn’t get a word in edgewise and that nobody was interested in what I was doing. It reminds me of my whole childhood where I felt like I couldn’t compete with him because he was always the older, better brother (Hill, 2009).


In a minimum of 400 words, post to the Discussion Area your response to the following:

Part A

  • Review the client statements provided above and select two to interpret. Identify each statement you chose and provide the interpretation as you would share it with the client. You may wish to start with a reflection statement followed by the interpretation. In your answer, identify which two cases you selected by including the case name (e.g. Client A or Client B) preceding your interpretation.
  • Articulate the intention of your interpretation and what you hope it will facilitate with the client.

Part B

  • Articulate what you believe will be the most challenging part of terminating with your client and how you will address that challenge.

Support your rationale and analysis by using at least two resources from professional literature in your response. Professional literature may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (websites ending in .edu or .gov).

Your discussion posts and all written assignments should reflect graduate level writing skills and appropriate use of APA style, including in-text citations and references.

an example(Navigating Client Perspectives)

Client C seems to be grappling with anxiety and uncertainty regarding meeting someone from a personal ad. They express concerns about the potential mismatch in expectations and fear encountering someone who might not meet their standards. Through interpretation, it’s crucial to validate their apprehensions while also exploring underlying patterns in their past dating experiences. By acknowledging their past struggles and highlighting their courage in seeking companionship, I hope to foster a sense of empowerment and confidence in navigating future encounters.

Client D’s narrative revolves around feelings of inadequacy and comparison, particularly in the shadow of their accomplished older brother. Their experience triggers childhood memories of constantly feeling overshadowed. In interpreting this, it’s important to validate their emotions of inferiority while also reframing their perspective on self-worth and success. By exploring their unique strengths and accomplishments, I aim to cultivate a sense of self-esteem and resilience in navigating familial dynamics and societal expectations.

The intention behind these interpretations is to provide clients with a safe space for reflection and validation, while also fostering insight into their thoughts and emotions. By acknowledging their experiences and exploring underlying patterns, I aim to facilitate a deeper understanding of themselves and their relational dynamics.

As for the most challenging part of terminating with these clients, it’s likely to be ensuring a smooth transition while maintaining their progress and emotional well-being. Termination can evoke feelings of loss or abandonment, especially if clients have developed a strong therapeutic alliance. To address this challenge, I will employ gradual closure techniques, such as discussing termination goals early in the process, reviewing progress made, and providing resources for continued support post-termination. Additionally, I will encourage open dialogue about their feelings regarding termination and validate any emotions that arise during the process.

In addressing these challenges, I draw upon professional literature that emphasizes the importance of termination planning and addressing termination-related issues proactively (Ebert et al., 2015). By integrating evidence-based practices and maintaining a client-centered approach, I aim to facilitate a positive and empowering termination experience for both clients.

References: Ebert, B., Galovski, T. E., Kerig, P. K., & Mueser, K. T. (2015). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for severe mental disorders in adults: An integrative review of meta-analyses and systematic reviews. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 22(2), 165-189.

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