Need A Research Essay Written By Noon Tomorrow. Environmental Science Based Essay Concerning Sustainable Living.




Living Off the Grid: Self-Sustainable Homes

SCI-218: Natural Resources

Ashley R. Dembiczak

25 June 2016

Dr. Nancy Taylor: Southern New Hampshire University


The topic I am choosing to write on is a combination of sustainable, organic living and using recycled materials to build a home (green homes). Being able to utilize non-biodegradable recycled materials for home building and sustainable agriculture will greatly help reduce the ecologic footprint of a family. This is better for the Earth in both the short term and long term.

Section 1:

1. The recycled house movement started in the mid 1980s by architect Michael Reynolds (Holladay, 2014). This lifestyle is intended for people wanting to live off the grid.

2. It is important to lead a sustainable lifestyle because it helps promote energy efficiency, waste reduction, air quality, water efficiency, and a sustainable lifestyle (EPA, Feb 2016). With environmental concerns becoming more of an issue in recent years, more and more people are wanting to embrace a green home and sustainable lifestyle.

Section 2:

1. There are currently communities of green homes all over the country and world. In 2014, only 44% of vehicle tires that could be recycled in the U.S. actually were. That leaves 56% of recyclable tires that do not have a purpose (, 2015). Eco-friendly Earthship homes give trash and recyclable materials another purposes and ways to be used.

2. Challenges for green homes of this type are issues with water leakage when it rains and molding of the interior, especially if there is a garden or greenhouse within the home (, 2016). Other challenges with building Earthship-style homes are the time and money needed for construction.

Section 3:

1. In an environment such as San Diego, the Earthship idea would work very well. The average annual rainfall is 9.93 inches according to the San Diego County Water Authority (2016). In other parts of the world, this idea would not be as successful unless substantial modifications are made to the design. This type of green home would not be well suited for a very cold climate nor a very rain-heavy or humid climate unless further developments and modifications could be made.

2. Using recycled materials for homes, where building materials are not common, could help those who cannot afford common building materials create a home. Using materials that may be left in landfills for hundreds of years can also help make our Earth a much cleaner place.



Archinia. (2016). Earthship Pros and Cons. Retrieved from

Earthships. (Jan 2015). Once described as ‘idiotic’, new eco-friendly, self-sustaining homes are proving critics wrong. Earthship Biotecture. Retrieved from

Environmental Protection Agency. (Feb 2016). Green Building. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved from

Holladay, M. (May 2014). Earthship Hype and Earthship Reality. Musings of an Energy Nerd. Green Building Advisor. Retrieved from

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