need help with this questions about location based computing and dangerous data

Please see the attached doc, no plagiarism please for those questions, they should be answered on your own words exactly as request on the doc (If you really are able to do this work for me accept the work)

Here the Questions:

Question 1

  • a.Imagine that you have been asked to propose a strategy for tracking competitors in an orienteering race across Dartmoor. What location determining approach would be most appropriate?
  • b.Briefly describe how location is determined using this approach.
  • c.The correct approach in answer to part a of this question would not work in a taster event in a shopping centre held indoors. Why not? What alternative approach to determining location might you suggest in that case? (You do not need to describe how location is determined in this case.)

Hint: You may want to look ahead at part c of this question. Part c provides further information about the location determining approach expected in answer to the current part (i.e. Part a).

Question 2

  • a.In the summer of 2015, the organizing body for the American Democratic Party, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), was targeted by hackers believed to be working for the Russian government. The attack began when certain DNC employees were targeted by emails containing links to malicious software. At least one of these email messages was opened and the malware activated. This malware then spread on Committee’s internal network where it remained undetected for many months.
    • i.What name is given to this type of campaign of soliciting information from particular individuals?
    • ii.What term is given to a hack where an attacker uses a series of attacks to gain access to a system and remains undetected for a long time?
    • iii.Explain which, if any, of the CIA principles were threatened in the attack. For each of the CIA principles explain why it was or was not threatened.
  • b.How might email users protect themselves against such attacks by criminals and state actors? Use an internet search to provide two or three simple guidelines suitable for a relative novice email user. Your answer should be no more than 300 words and you must provide your sources as references (using the OU Harvard style) at the end of your answer. The references do not count towards the word limit. Your use of English, spelling and grammar will all be marked as well as technical content of your answer.

During this time, it stole data from the DNC, including highly-confidential political campaign information, which was then distributed to media outlets hostile to the Democratic Party. It is thought that this attack may have contributed to the Democrats losing the general election in November 2016.

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