Observation Paper

Child Development Observation Analysis

(Observation Paper)

Observing child development provides valuable insights into their cognitive, social, and emotional growth. In a recent observation, a two-year-old child engaged in parallel play with peers, demonstrating emerging social skills. Through imitation and turn-taking, they exhibited early cooperative behaviors, indicating the beginning of peer interaction development. However, occasional conflicts arose over toy sharing, highlighting the child’s ongoing understanding of social norms and negotiation strategies. In terms of cognitive development, the child displayed curiosity, exploring objects with hands and mouth, indicative of sensorimotor exploration. Language development was evident as the child attempted simple words and gestures to express desires and needs, signaling progress in communication skills. Additionally, emotional regulation was observed as the child sought comfort from caregivers when distressed, showcasing attachment bonds. Overall, this observation underscores the intricate interplay between social, cognitive, and emotional domains in early childhood development, emphasizing the importance of supportive environments and interactions in fostering holistic growth.(Observation Paper)

Observation:(Observation Paper)

To conduct observations is an important part of studying human development.  You will be required to make 1 observation for this course.  Select a child to watch either within your own family (sisters, brothers, cousins etc.) or at a mall, playground, daycare etc.  You should observe the child for at least 30 minutes.  You may want to observe them over time and in different situations.  This will give you more information to write about.  The child you select should be between 0-12 years of age.

During your observation you will report the following:

-Demographics (age, race, sex etc.)
-Appearance (clothing, approximate height and weight and other defining characteristics)
-Physical Development
-Cognitive Development
-Emotional and Social Development
-Does the child meet the milestones and stages for the physical, cognitive, and social/emotional development?  Why or why not?
-Is there anything unusual or “off-development” for this child (deficits as well as giftedness)?
(10 points for this section)

Please include what theorists you were using for your observations (i.e. Piaget vs. Freud for cognitive development).  You can use several theorists to compare and contrast. Give an overview of the theories you are using. Do you agree or disagree how that theory categorizes development. (10 points for this section)

The observations should be 1500 words or more and should include a cover page and a reference page. Use 12pt font and double space.  Use APA style for the format of the paper and reference page.  Points will be deducted for incorrect spelling, grammar and format. (5 points for this section). The observation is worth 25 points total. Papers are due on the date listed.  Papers submitted after the due date will be deducted 3 points for each day late.

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