only responses needed and not initial post

Summary and Reflection

  • Identify one substantive topic in the course that you will use in your job in the future. Specify the topic, your job, and how you will use this knowledge to make better decisions.
  • Looking back at the analytical tools you used throughout the course, name one specific instance when you could use one of these tools to better understand your organization, the market, or the environment in which your employer operates.


posted Jun 9, 2018 4:26 PM


I enjoyed learning about law of diminishing marginal returns, which is a useful topic. Being able to identify solutions and being able to understand that too much of the solution could hinder the same business will be very useful when I open my small business in a few years. Prior to taking this course I never really thought of game theory as something useful, but now I have a different option of the topic. Since I have a much better understanding of how to use game theory it is a tool I can now use to better understand how organization, the market, or the environment in which your employer operates.

summary and reflection

Contains unread posts

posted Jun 8, 2018 1:22

Of all the lessons this class presented, the one I found to be most useful was the module regarding supply and demand. The part of the lesson that left the greatest impression on me was that consumers have a great amount of control, more so than they are likely aware of. As a manager having awareness of supply and demand levels will ensure supply is meeting demand and vice versa. Failure to understand this and undercut this can lead to an over inflation of supply, lowering prices and reducing profits.

Excel was a tool I found to be most useful. It provides a means to track supply and demand and find the most effective level of each to be at. While my excel skills are ok, I still need to take the time to learn all excel has to offer and take the time to learn.


posted Jun 3, 2018 1:04 PM


Hello Class,

One substantive topic that I will use in my job as an auditor is the different kinds of costs, specifically variable and fixed costs. As an auditor, I’m reviewing financial statements in order to find any material misstatements. Being able to differentiate the different kinds of costs we discussed in Module 2 will allow me to make an informed decision to classify certain costs or amounts as material misstatements. I have only been working as an auditor for 11 months now so I honestly can’t name a specific instance when and where I could have used these tools to better understand the environment in which my employer operates.

Rubric Assessment

Rubric Name: Reflective Discussion Rubric v1


Reviews prior learning (past experiences inside and outside of the classroom) in depth to reveal significantly changed perspectives about educational and life experiences, which provide foundation for expanded knowledge, growth, and maturity over time.

Reviews prior learning (past experiences inside and outside of the classroom) in depth, revealing fully clarified meanings or indicating broader perspectives about educational or life events.

Reviews prior learning (past experiences inside and outside of the classroom) with some depth, revealing slightly clarified meanings or indicating a somewhat broader perspective about educational or life events.

Reviews prior learning (past experiences inside and outside of the classroom) at a surface level, without revealing clarified meaning or indicating a broader perspective about educational or life events.

Submits one initial response early in the session; two or more thoughtful peer responses early in the session; and more than two peer responses closer to the end of the session.

Submits at least one initial response early in the session; and at least two peer responses closer to the end of the session.

Submits at least one initial response early in the session; and/or does not submit at least two peer responses closer to the end of the session.

Submits at least one peer response during session; but does not submit an initial response early in the session.

Posts elicit peer responses and reflections from other learners; responses build upon and integrate multiple views from other learners to broaden the scope of the discussion.

Posts elicit responses and reflections from other learners; responses build upon the ideas of other learners to broaden the scope of the discussion.

Posts do not elicit responses and reflections from other learners and/or responses do not build upon the ideas of other learners to broaden the scope of the discussion.

Posts were too brief to elicit responses and reflections from other learners and/or responses do not build upon the ideas of other learners to broaden the scope of the discussion.

Post(s) and responses show evidence of knowledge and understanding of course content and applicability to professional practice, and include other resources that extend learning.

Post(s) and responses show evidence of knowledge and understanding of course content and applicability to professional practice.

Post(s) and responses show little evidence of knowledge and/or understanding of course content and applicability to professional practice.

Post(s) and responses show no evidence of knowledge and understanding of course content or applicability to professional practice.

Demonstrates mastery conceptualizing the problem; viewpoints and assumptions of experts are analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated; and conclusions are logically presented with appropriate rationale.

Demonstrates considerable proficiency conceptualizing the problem; viewpoints and assumptions of experts are analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated; and conclusions are presented with necessary rationale.

Demonstrates partial proficiency conceptualizing the problem; viewpoints and assumptions of experts are analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated; and conclusions are somewhat consistent with the analysis and findings.

Demonstrates limited or poor proficiency conceptualizing the problem; viewpoints and assumptions of experts are not analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated; and conclusions are either absent or poorly conceived and supported.

Overall Score
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