
Task List:

· Review the posted content.

· Complete Home Sustainability Audit Activity individually.

· Submit Audit report to the appropriate Dropbox.


· Introduce the concept of energy efficiency.

· Identify sustainable and non-sustainable practices at your institution.

· Show that the solution to many environmental problems are within the reach of individuals and communities


This assignment is designed to help you reflect on the environmental practices in your home. For the audit, you will each select ten (10) topics of interest in regards to environmental aspects of campus operations. The topics you may choose from are:


Waste management Water Energy Air handling
Composting Faucet efficiency Appliance efficiency Insulation
Trash produced Toilet efficiency Computers Window/doorway sealant
Recycling Showers (length, efficiency, temperature, etc.) Power source sustainability AC age
Fast fashion Washing machine type Water heater type Keeping vents clear
Paper decor Water used to produce your clothing Lighting (type, efficiency, age)  
  Water source Energy vampires  
  Irrigation (sprinklers, drip systems, water barrels, etc.) External shade on roof (trees, etc.)  


Useful resource: (Links to an external site.)  ; (Links to an external site.)


1. Select ten topics listed above

2. Write a paragraph (minimum) discussing how you address and/or implement each topic (Ten paragraphs total-minimum).  Does your home actively plan accommodations for this topic?  What could you do do to better on this subject? How much would it roughly cost to do so (look up what it would cost to replace equipment if necessary, ball park figures are okay)?

3. Evaluate your home. Do you consider your home “green”?  Why or why not?

4. Propose some monetarily and personally feasible changes that you/your family should consider.

What to submit – Generate a report with the following sections and submit to the assignment dropbox:

· Introduction – Discuss the specifics of your home.  How many people live there?  How large is it? This section should familiarize the reader with your home.

· Topic Discussions – Include the description of each topic in this section.

· Evaluation – Include your evaluation in this section.

· References – Include all reference material (MLA format).

Minimum word count is 750.

Note: Some of you may live in the same building; however, each report must be completed on an individual basis.  You can not use the same material as your fellow classmates. 

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