participatory vendor selection 2

Evaluate at least 2 vendors on at least 3 criteria. The procedures to follow are described below:

  1. Select two vendors of electronic health records.
  2. Interview at least two decision makers. Conduct these interviews separately (could be done on the phone).
    • Select at least 3 criteria for evaluating electronic health records based on your decision maker’s input. Exampleâ–º Anotherâ–º
    • Ask the participants to rate the levels of each criterion.
    • Ask the participants to rate the relative importance of each criterion
  3. Use published literature or experts’ opinions to rate the performance of each vendor on each criterion.
  4. Construct a model reflecting the preferences of both of your decision makers.
  5. Make a recommendation based on your scoring procedure. Calculate the score for the systems and show what EHR will be recommended. HOW
  6. Describe the process and the results in a word document. Include the following topics:
    1. Title
    2. Description of consensus development process
    3. Individual models
      • Show the attributes and their levels
      • Show ratings of the levels
      • Show weights assigned. Record the questions you asked and the answers you received as well as the standardized weights you calculated.
    4. Consensus model
      • Describe the final set of attributes, attribute levels, ratings of attribute levels and weights for the attributes
    5. Recommended action
    6. Introspection
      • Comment on value of participatory vendor selection
      • Comment on value of quantification
      • Comment on value of conducting interviews before the general meeting.
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