Peer response!!

Pamella,Identify the selected practice problem.For this discussion, I have chosen the practice problem of heart disease.  Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States (Rubin et al., 2019). Heart disease killed approximately one in four people in 2015 (Van Dyke et al., 2018).Describe an evidence-based intervention to address the practice problem.An evidence-based intervention to address the practice problem of heart disease is increased physical mobility.  Increased physical activity improves circulation, joint and muscle stiffness, and can help with weight management. Education about the benefits of physical activity and mobility in combination with a specialized plan of care for physical mobility can improve overall health and wellbeing (ODPHP, 2021).Create an informational population health “Tweet” as part of a social marketing intervention. This “Tweet” should be no more than 280 characters to promote awareness of the health problem and intervention. Your “Tweet” should be current, captivating, and applicable for the population at risk.Heart disease kills one in four people each year.  Risk factors include inactivity and immobility, poor nutritional diet, and lack of screenings and routine medical check-ups. Heart disease is preventable, and you can act now to reduce your risk of heart disease.  One intervention you can do immediately, that does not cost anything, is to increase your physical mobility and activity every day.  Here is your challenge, go for a brisk walk for at least 20 minutes each day, or increase your current activity level by 20 minutes each day. #GoWalk20Identify one measurable outcome to the “Tweet”.A measurable outcome of the tweet would be to increase physical mobility, (i.e., walking) by 20 minutes each day.  If the person does not currently walk, the starting goal would be to walk at least 20 minutes each day.  This is a SMART goal as it meets the definition of specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time based (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2021). Specific – walk. Measurable – 20 minutes. Achievable – 20 minutes should not cause undue stress to most people. Relevant – improved physical activity decreases the risk factors associated with heart disease. Time based – walk each day.Best,PamReferences:Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2021). NR-704 Week 5: Population Health Outcomes. [Online lesson]. Adtalem Global Education.Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP). (2021, May 27). Social determinants. to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Rubin, J., Aggarwal, S.R., Swett, K.R., Kirtane, A.J., Kodali, S.K., Nazif, T.M., Pu, M., Dadhania, R., Kaplan& Rodriguez, C.J. (2019). Burden of valvular heart disease in Hispanic/Latino individuals in the United States: the echocardiographic study of Latinos. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 94(8), 1488-1498. (Links to an external site.)Van Dyke, M., Greer, S., Odom, E., Schieb, L., Vaughan, A., Kramer, M., & Casper, M. (2018). Heart disease death rates among blacks and whites aged ≥35 years – United States, 1968-2015. MMWR Surveillance Summaries, 67(5), 1-11.

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